I understand the feeling.
"A mother and son's relationship is inexplicable," Ernest says. "He only saw her for his first month of life, and then they started living together again a few weeks ago, but anyone who looks at the two of them would say they never separated."
"Yes," I say, thinking about how much of his growth we both missed. His first steps, his first tooth, the first time he ate solid food. I know all about it because my brothers filmed their heirs in each of these phases. "Do you think he'll ever understand that I'm his father?"
"He will, yes. Like it happened with Kennedy, if you continue being part of their lives, King will understand that you are family."
"Thank you again for taking care of her and my son, Ernest."
"They're mine, too."
"As soon as I get the chance, I intend to tell Kennedy about Balantine, but I think you should be there too. I won't be able to provide details that only you, who lived with her mother, are capable of."
"I regret not marrying Clarkina."
"I thought I was a terrible option for her, but I regret not setting aside cowardice and committing to her."
"You two . . .?”
"No. I never even tried. I thought she deserved better. But you know what? That was the biggest mistake of my life. I know there's a lot of resentment between you and Kennedy, at least from her side right now. But if you want my advice, my son, if she truly is the love of your life, never give up, because after losing your chosen one, no one else will be able to complete you."
"I know that."
"You don't needto be so nervous," I assure her, putting an arm around her shoulder, King in my other arm, as we get off the plane on a private landing strip at JFK airport.
My relatives wanted to come and welcome us, but I thought it would be better that they didn’t. Little by little, I'm learning about Kennedy's ways, and I know that she needs to deal with new things little by little. If my family had come in force—brothers, sisters-in-law, and nephews—I think she might have felt overwhelmed.
"I don't know what to expect," she says.
"All the Kostanidou, myself included, are uncompromising bastards, but fair, too. My brothers trust my judgment and will accept you and King as new members of the family."
I talked to them and my cousins via video call before Kennedy woke up today. In addition to introducing them to King, who smiled and said his famous “good morning” to everyone, which drew laughter, I explained how we had been attacked and that we were at Beau's house.
They only calmed down when I told them I would be flying home today and bringing my family with me.
"They don't need to love me, as long as they love our son."
I don't answer because, in her position, I wouldn't trust anyone so easily either. Kennedy has been rejected and mistreated almost her entire life. It will take more than half a dozen words of reassurance to convince her that she can believe in me, and my brothers by extension.
We get into the limousine, and after seating King in the car seat and making sure he is secure, I authorize the driver to proceed.
Ernest shows King some cartoons on the iPad, and I take the opportunity to talk to Kennedy about Vina. "There is something I need to tell you."
I quickly explain the conversation I had with Pam's grandmother on the phone and how I found her change in behavior strange, which even culminated in her showing her desire to meet Kennedy again.
I realize that, although he is pretending not to, Ernest is paying attention to our conversation.
"She said she wanted to see me?"
"Yes, but it wasn't just that which made it weird, it was the fact that when we started talking, she was demanding an explanation from me for supporting you. Once she understood that my decision was irrevocable, she completely changed her attitude, acting as if you were someone dear to her that she hadn't seen for a long time and not like a . . .”