Page 94 of Worth the Chase

I walked nervously toward the monitor and squinted. Pressing the intercom button, I asked, “Can I help you?”

“Open the damn gate, Bella.”

Addi and Brooklyn looked like they wanted to lunge at the speaker, but I gave them a nod as I rolled my eyes.

“It’s my brother,” I said as I started punching in the code.

“Oh shit,” Addi said.

Brooklyn looked shocked for, like, the tenth time in the last hour. “Should we stay?” she asked.

I shook my head. “No. It’s fine.”

“Does he know about you and Matthew?” Addi asked.

“I’m guessing he does now.” I shrugged.

“I kind of want to stay for this.” Brooklyn held on to her hot chocolate and took a sip. “Do you have any munchies?”

“We are not staying,” Addi chastised, and Brooklyn legitimately started pouting.

“Did you learn that from Clara?” I asked, pointing at her lips.

“Probably. Will you let me stay if I give you a funny nickname?”

A loud knock on the front door shut us all up, and I walked over to pull it open.

“What are you doing here?” My tone was filled with annoyance. I wasn’t even sure why. Maybe it was because I hadn’t expected him.

“Matthew called me.”

Of course he did.

“That’s our cue.” Addi tugged on Brooklyn’s sleeve.

“Hey! Long time no see, Addison.” My brother pulled her into a hug. “You look great!” He sounded so damn happy to see her.

“Thanks, Leo. You do too. This is Brooklyn, Thomas’swife.” She emphasized the word in such a weird way. I wasn’t sure why she’d said it like that.

“I remember you from high school.” He gave her a quick, appreciative nod. “It’s nice to meet you officially, and congratulations.”

“Thanks.” She beamed. “I want to stick around, but your sister said we have to leave, so bye!”

“Oh my gosh,” I groaned.

Addi grabbed Brooklyn’s free hand and pulled her out the door. “Call me later,” Addi shouted as she left.

I shook my head and smiled. “I work at her restaurant,” I explained to my brother as soon as they were gone.

“I know. Mom and Dad told me.”

“What else did they tell you?” I looked at him nervously, and his expression was blank.

“Nothing. Just that Anna was here, but she left. Matthew was back in town. You’re running the bar at Addi’s new place, and you’re really happy,” he said, firing off the things that had happened in my life lately like a PowerPoint presentation. Of course, he’d missed one big thing.

“Sounds about right.” I walked into the kitchen. “Do you want something to drink?”

“Actually, can I use the bathroom? Long drive.”