I could tell it was the only facial hair he could grow. There wasn’t an ounce of scruff anywhere else on his face.
“I’m not sure how to answer that.” I laughed as I reached for the empty glasses and put them in the sink.
“Come to our rental later,” another guy with bright red hair said.
I flashed him a frown. “Wish I could, but I have plans,” I said, regretting my words instantly. Thewish I couldpart was a bad thing to say.
“Ditch your plans.” Goatee Guy reached for my hand as I leaned on top of the bar, but I pulled away and started washing the glasses.
“My boyfriend would not like that.”
There. Now, they knew I had a boyfriend, and they’d back off. Hopefully.
“Bring him too,” one of the other guys added before finishing off the rest of his drink.
“Uh, no.” Goatee Guy spoke roughly. “Definitely do not bring him. I’ll take another, by the way,” he said before chugging and commanding the rest of his buddies to do the same.
“Another round,” they cheered.
“You got it,” I said before taking their used glasses away and turning around to make new drinks.
After this round, I’d start paying closer attention to their behavior and make sure I didn’t need to take any car keys away.
I finished the drinks and handed them out one at a time. “If you guys want to meet other tourists, you might want to head over to Sugar Saloon.”
“Where’s that at?”
I pointed, as if they could see the building if they turned around. “Out the doors, make a left, and it’s basically around back. You can’t miss it. Great place. Historical. It’s where everyone hangs out.”
“How good are their drinks?” Goatee Guy asked as he took a sip. “’Cause these are fucking good.”
“You’ll be in good hands,” I encouraged.
His dark eyes flashed to my stomach, where my skin was exposed. “Doubt that.”
“Trust me, the saloon will be more your vibe.”
“I think you’re my vibe,” Goatee Guy added.
The redhead threw an arm around him. “Okay, buddy, she said she has a boyfriend. You can back off now.”
He was trying to defuse the situation, but Goatee Guy shoved him off.
Note to self: Redhead is the reasonable one in the group.
I gave him a small smile and mouthed,Thanks.
I was actually happy when they paid their tab and headed out, asking for directions to the saloon one more time. When I glanced at the wad of cash they’d left behind, I was pleasantly surprised. Usually, the younger guys didn’t tip very well, if at all. This was a nice change of pace. I tossed the extra bills inside a margarita glass next to the register.
The rest of my shift was uneventful. We were packed, but that was to be expected. Most of the tourists didn’t hang around too long after they ate, as the restaurant really didn’t give off that kind of atmosphere. They would grab a drink or two at most. It was so different than the saloon, but it was definitely a difference that I appreciated.
“I think I broke Butch,” Addi said as soon as the last customer left. She locked the front door and pulled down the shade before walking over to the bar.
“Don’t lean on that.” I stopped her before she could rest her arms on the bar top. It was sticky and needed to be cleaned.
“Thank you for that,” she said, making a face.
“Now, what were you saying? You broke the smoker?” I had no idea if she was being serious or not, but no smoker equaled no food.