Clara lifted her head from her dad’s shoulder at that. “Who hates you, Uncle Matthew? Want me to beat them up?”
We all started laughing. No one more than my dad.
“You think you can fight, little one?” he asked.
Clara started nodding. “I’d sure try,” she said.
“I’m okay, but thank you.” I patted her head, and I swore she was about two minutes from falling dead asleep.
“Are you having a family powwow without us?” Patrick suddenly appeared with Addi at his side. “Seems kinda rude.”
“Nah. We were just trying to figure out if Bella hates Matthew or not,” Brooklyn said with a grin, and just like that, we were back on the one topic I desperately wanted to avoid.
“Oh, she hates him all right,” Addi said with a shit-eating grin.
“Thanks a lot,” I groaned.
“Fine. Maybehateis a little too strong. You annoy her? Bother her? Irritate her?” Addi said each of the last three questions like they were options we were supposed to choose from.
“All of the above,” Patrick added.
“You guys are really helpful,” I said.
“Oh, I didn’t realize you wanted our help,” Patrick piped back up. “Need a wingman?”
“Or a wingwoman?” Brooklyn asked quickly.
“Should we all go over to the bar in one big, intimidating bunch?” That was my dad’s suggestion.
“The O’Grady gang.We must force you to go home with our little brother or else,” Patrick said with a laugh.
Apparently, now that Addi was back in his life, he was a fucking comedian. Couldn’t get the guy to say two words the past four years, and now, he wouldn’t shut the hell up.
“Leave with him and let him bed you, or face the consequences,” Thomas added, his voice extra deep and over the top.
“Whatever is happening here, can we please make it stop?” I ran my hand down my face, pretending to be in agony.
“But this is too much fun,” Patrick choked out. “You’re always the one getting involved in our personal lives. It’s about time we butt into yours.”
“Yeah, but I fixed both of yours. Look at you two now.” I pointed at my brothers, who were both coupled up, and I liked to think I’d had a hand in that happening. Not that it wouldn’t have eventually anyway, but I’d definitely sped things up.
Thomas looked at his wife as Patrick looked at his fiancée. They couldn’t even argue. I’d helped them out.
They were welcome!
“Well, if it’s any consolation, Rinata hasn’t stopped staring at you all night,” Brooklyn said with a slight head nod.
I glanced over and spotted the brunette from earlier. “Yeah, I don’t even know who that is.”
“Does it matter?” Thomas asked seriously.
“What is happening right now? Leave me alone. I’m not going home with anyone,” I ground out, hoping to stop this insane conversation that was happening not only in front of my eight-year-old niece, but my dad as well.
Plus, if it wasn’t going to be Bells, then it wasn’t going to be any female. I’d done enough of that the last handful of years. But I knew if my brothers heard me saying those thoughts out loud, they’d tease me relentlessly. I’d always given them so much shit about their dicks being on hiatus, but whose dick was on pause now?
It was mine, in case you were wondering.
When was the last time I had sex anyway?