Page 74 of Worth the Chase

“So many things,” I admitted.

“Tell me.”

I sucked in a deep, long breath. “I’m happy it’s over. I’m relieved it was with you. And I’m sad for everyone who didn’t wait this long to have sex for the first time.”

“Really? Why are you sad?” His tone was filled with questioning.

I lifted my head from his chest and propped my head on my arms to look at him. “Because everyone says how bad their first time was. And of course it was. They were all doing it with guys who didn’t know how to do it right yet. Having sex for the first time with you, at this age, just seemed different. I think my first time had to be better than everyone else’s.”

He seemed to like that answer because a cocky grin spread across his face.

“Wait until we get to the second time. And the third,” he said.

I wanted to tell him that I was ready now, but decided to sleep on it instead.

Once was enough for tonight.



“First things first,” my dad said one morning as I stood in his office, dressed in one of my old travel suits.

Patrick and Thomas walked in and took a seat at the large table.

“Sit,” he directed toward me, and I did as he’d asked.

Our dad sat down at the head, facing all three of us. “You boys know that I won’t make a decision like this without having you all on board. It’s the three of you in agreement, or this doesn’t work,” he said like this was his first time telling us this. He’d been drilling that little nugget into our heads for years.

“We know,” Thomas said, his hands folded on top of the table.

“We agree,” Patrick added before my dad even said another word, but he started laughing.

“I assume you’ve all discussed this privately before coming to me?” he asked, but he wasn’t mad. He knew how close the three of us were.

“Of course we did.” Thomas nodded.

“And you all agree that Matthew should be the O’Grady to take over as general manager of the resort one day?”

I sat there, suddenly nervous even though I had no reason to be.

“Yes. Please. I sure as hell don’t want it.” Patrick couldn’t have answered faster.

“I know I’m the oldest, but I like numbers,” Thomas said with a slight wave. “Please don’t make me people.”

Our dad started laughing. “There is a lot ofpeoplinginvolved.”

“Matthew is the most outgoing. He likes the attention. He’s great with the public. He’d be the best one of us for the job,” Patrick said matter-of-factly.

My chest filled with pride at the compliment.

“I think I could be really good at this. I know I have a lot to learn,” I started to say, but my dad cut me off.

“Son, I know you’ll begreatat this. Just wanted to make sure there were no issues and we were all on the same page.” Our dad stood up from his seat and gave each one of us a hug before demanding we get back to our respective jobs.

My brothers hustled out of the office. Patrick had looked like he’d fall apart if he was forced to stay indoors for one more second. That guy loved to build things, and I thought stuffy offices gave him hives.

“Congratulations, Matthew. You ready to get started?” my dad asked, and I nodded.