The room erupted into shouts and questions, and everyone was talking over each other.
I had not known this was coming. Addi hadn’t even hinted at it. Or talked about dresses, flowers, or any of the typical things that weddings usually entailed.
“Two weeks?” I broke through the excited chatter.
“Yep. The wedding will be at our house. Simple. Family only,” Patrick added before looking at me. “That includes you, Bella.”
Matthew took a possessive step toward me and grabbed my body. He pulled my back against his chest and held me tight. “Of course it includes Bells. She’s my date.”
I tried to chuckle, but his grip was so tight that my chest barely moved.
“Thank you for including me,” I managed to get out.
“Of course. We love you,” Addi said, and I actually believed her.
This family had a way of making you feel like you belonged with them.
“Can I tell them my news?” Mr. O’Grady pinned his middle son with a look, and Patrick nodded. The announcements refused to stop coming. “I’m marrying them.”
“What?” Thomas asked, his expression a mixture between shock and awe.
“Got ordained yesterday. You’re looking at Sugar Mountain’s newest online minister or whatever it said,” he tried to explain, but was clearly confused. “Doesn’t matter.” He waved a hand in the air. “I can marry people now, and I’m marrying them.”
“I’m going to do that too, Pops.” Clara tugged on his shirt.
“Do what?”
“Marry people. Maybe I’ll marry Uncle Matthew and Bella,” she said before looking right at me. Not at her uncle. Atme.
Hell, everyone was now staring at me. I might have passed out from the weight of their looks if Matthew hadn’t been holding on to me so tight.
“What’d you bring us to eat?” Matthew changed the subject.
I finally took a full breath as soon as everyone started focusing on the food instead of us.
Matthew spun me around and tipped my chin up. “Breathe, Bells.”
“I am,” I lied.
“It’s okay. We don’t have to get married anytime soon,” he said before leaning down and taking my mouth with his.
It happened too quickly for me to turn my head or even think before I was lost in that kiss and in him. That was, until everyone started clapping.
I wanted to crawl into a hole and hide there. Possibly forever.
But then Clara walked over and reached out her hand. I glanced around at everyone who was watching us curiously before taking her tiny hand in mine. She led us into another room, and I had no idea what was going on.
“Bella-rina, fo-fina,” she said, and I wondered for a split second if she was talking to me or not. “I’m happy you let Uncle Matthew kiss you.”
“You are?” I fought back a laugh because I was not sure where this conversation was heading.
“Yeah. ’Cause he’s all alone. And now, he’s not.”
“Well, he has you,” I said in response.
She shook her little head, her brown hair swishing. “No. I mean, Daddy has Mama Waffles. Uncle Patrick has Starfish Addi. And now, Uncle Matthew has you. That just leaves Pops, but I don’t think Pops is sad to be alone,” she explained, and I cocked my head to the side as I listened to her wise words. “Do you think Pops is sad?”
“He doesn’t seem like it,” I answered honestly because Mr. O’Grady truly did look happy and satisfied. He was surrounded by three sons who adored him and ran a thriving business together.