Page 64 of Worth the Chase

He really was a good boy.

Patrick reached me, and we shook hands like we were colleagues and not brothers. It was weird, but we did that shit sometimes.

“Thanks for coming,” I said.

“Excited about the house?” he asked as he slapped his thigh, calling Jasper over to his side.

“Very excited about the house.” I couldn’t stop smiling.

Even as I unlocked the door and walked inside, the grin refused to leave my face. I shut the door behind us and looked around, grateful that I hadn’t bought too much shit over the past ten months. I’d always known that the condo was temporary. That was why I’d rented the place instead of buying it.

“My bed is the number one priority,” I instructed as I led us into the bedroom.

I didn’t care if we didn’t move a single other thing over to the house today. I wanted to sleep there tonight, and I planned on having Bells there with me. I needed my bed.

“What’s number two?” my brother asked as Jasper jumped up and started rolling around on my comforter before Patrick yelled at him to get down.

“Literally everything else.”

Patrick gave me a curt nod, and we hustled in unison, stripping the sheets off and tossing them to the floor before pulling the mattress off and resting it against the wall. I went out to grab my tool kit from the closet and quickly took apart my bedframe. Once it was in multiple pieces, we started loading it up in the bed of his truck before I started freaking out a little.

“Will the mattress fit?” I studied our trucks, knowing that it was going to be an issue. But, hell, I’d strap the damn thing to my hood if I had to.

“I got it,” he said confidently.

Thankfully, my brother was a damn genius. He figured out a way to put the mattress on my truck before he went to work, tying it down in what seemed like fifty different places.

“It will not come out while you drive,” he said with a satisfied look on his face.

“I don’t think it will come out when we get there.” I laughed.

After dropping off priority number one, we drove back to the condo to find Thomas waiting for us, his arms crossed across his chest like he was annoyed.

“Think you’d have all the fun without me?” He started walking toward us.

“Didn’t think you could bail,” I said with a shrug.

“You didn’t even ask.” He pouted, and I rolled my eyes.

“Well, now that you’re here, you can help. Yay!” I slapped his back and grinned because moving was going to take no time at all with both of my brothers here.

Two more back-and-forth trips were all it took to move every single thing I’d had in the condo over to my brand-new house. And that was when our dad showed up, holding a six-pack.

“Didn’t realize you were allowed to leave the resort during work hours, old man,” I said as I held the heavy wooden door open for him to come inside.

“I think it will stay standing while I’m gone. Plus, all my boys are here, having fun without me.”

“You sound just like Thomas.”

“Well, it’s rude to leave your father out,” he griped.

We each grabbed a beer from the carrier, popped off the tops, clanked the bottles together, and took a long pull.

“This place is incredible,” my dad complimented, and I felt proud of what I’d been able to buy.

It was stunning. A forever kind of home.

“Wait until you see the other two floors.” Patrick smirked.