Page 63 of Worth the Chase

“Please tell me we’re getting you a new car soon.” I nodded toward the check that was now sitting on her passenger seat.

“Weare not, but I am,” she said defiantly. “And don’t be mean to Betty. She can hear you.”

My woman was a little stubborn. Or maybe she was just used to doing things on her own and not having a man to help her. She started the engine and fastened her seat belt.

Shielding her eyes from the sun with her hand, she asked, “So, what do you have planned today?”

“Moving my stuff from the condo to the house,” I said because I wanted to move into my place as soon as possible. I figured if I could get at least one of my brothers to help, it would only take a few hours.

“That’s so exciting,” she cooed.

“It is. I want to sleep there tonight. In our house. With you. What do you think about that?” I asked.

I knew Anna had left early this morning, and the thought of Bells being all alone in her apartment didn’t sit well with me.

Also, why would we sleep apart when we could sleep together? It was just simple logic.

“I think sleep is important,” she teased.

I leaned into the window frame. “You know what I mean.” I gave her a grin, but she didn’t say anything else, and I didn’t want to scare her off. “I’ll talk to you later, babe.” I pressed one last kiss to her waiting lips and watched as she drove off.

Once I was in my truck, I dialed up Patrick, assuming that he’d be able to sneak out of the resort without anyone knowing.

“What’s good, little brother?” he answered, and I swore I could actuallyhearthe smile on his face.

“Just closed on the house. Wanted to know if you could help me load up a few things from the condo to bring over there?”

“On my way,” he said, and right when I was about to hang up, I heard him shouting, “Wait! Matthewwwww!”

I brought the phone back to my ear. “What?”

“Can I bring Jasper with me?”

“Of course you can bring your dog.”

My brother did not go anywhere without Jasper. It was assumed that if Patrick was going somewhere, his lovable mutt would be with him.

“I was just trying to be polite. What if you didn’t want dog hair in your new place?” he grumped, all signs of the previous smile gone.

“Like I give a shit about dog hair. I’ll just pay someone to come clean it.”

I knew I sounded like a pompous asshole, but it was the truth. There was zero chance that I’d be cleaning the massive house I’d just bought by myself.

“You have way too much money, brother.”

“You’re one to talk,” I sassed because none of us was hurting for money.

Between the trust that our mom had left us after she died and the money the resort pulled in, we were all set for life. And beyond.

“Generational wealth,” as my grandfather used to say.

I finally understood what he’d meant by that. The three of us all had it.

“We’ll be right over,” he said before hanging up, and I realized that he might get to my place before I did.

I raced home and didn’t even stop for coffee, like I’d planned. Parking in my spot, I heard Patrick’s old truck rumbling beforethe sound stopped. Hopping down, I slammed the driver’s door right as Jasper spotted me and ran over, his tail wagging.

“Hey there, bud.” I patted his head and scratched behind his ears.