“Sit. Let me make you something. Even though I know you’re not here to see me.” The tone of her voice let me know that she found joy in my momentary misery.
I sat. Begrudgingly. “I don’t want anything, but thanks anyway.”
She looked surprised.
People hadn’t worked out the fact that I’d only drunk at the saloon because Bells was working there. And I figured she’d kick my ass out of the place if I sat there and stared at her all night without ordering anything. That was how I always ended up drinking too much. Basically, I was a lightweight. A two-drink drunk.
When I had played hockey professionally, I had treated my body like it was a temple and rarely, if ever, drank any alcohol. When I did partake, it was usually to celebrate a win, and eventhen, I’d drink far less than the rest of my teammates. Those guys drank vodka like water—something I’d never been able to stomach.
The idea of Bells being at the only bar on this side of town alone, much less closing it up late at night, never sat right with me. Sugar Mountain had always been a safe place, but bad things still happened in places people thought were safe.
So, I would drink a few too many.
And eventually, I’d get too buzzed to drive, and I’d have to call my brother. It became a routine, but only because making sure Bells was safe and okay had become my routine. I didn’t have to do that anymore now that she worked at the restaurant. I’d made sure to ask Addi about the closing routine and if Bells would ever be alone late at night. She’d reassured me that working here would be nothing like the saloon, and my anxiety settled. I believed her.
Speak of the devil… Addi suddenly appeared at my side, her dark hair pulled up into a tight ponytail. “Matthew.” She said my name like she knew something I didn’t as I hopped out of the barstool and faced her.
“Where is she?” I asked.
Addison grinned. We both knew exactly who I was talking about. Addi’s lips pursed together, and she stood there like she was deciding whether or not to tell me.
“Addi,” I growled.
“Fine. But you won’t like the answer.” She shook her head, and my anxiety crept right back in.
I raised both hands in the air and waited for her to fill me in.
“She’s on a lunch date,” she said.
My knees buckled, and my breath caught in my throat.
That was not on my bingo card. At fucking all. Who the hell would Bells be out with, if it wasn’t me?
“A lunchbreakor a lunchdate?” I asked because maybe I’d heard her all wrong.
“I said what I said,” Addi answered, and I knew I hadn’t heard her wrong at all.
“A date? With who?” My tone was defensive and jealous, and I clearly didn’t care who overheard.
“He’s not local. He’s a fireman from Whisper Falls.”
“Don’t forget to tell him how hot that man is,” Anna added from somewhere behind me, and Addi laughed.
They were pushing my buttons. Getting me all kinds of worked up.
And it. Is. Working.
“Thanks, Anna,” I growled as I turned to face her.
“Happy to help,” she responded with a smile before the sound of glass breaking filled the air. “Crap. Sorry, Addison.”
“She do that a lot?” I asked, my tone still annoyed.
“Every shift, apparently,” Addi answered, the look on her face none too happy.
“That sucks,” I said. “Are you going to tell me how Bells met some dude from Wimpy Falls?”
“Whisper Falls,” Addi corrected me.