Page 39 of Worth the Chase

I wondered if Clara would accept that answer or not.

“Boo. Adult stuff is boring.” Clara was instantly uninterested and focused back on her drink, plopping the cherries into her mouth one by one until they were all gone.

The bells on the front door chimed, and I looked up out of instinct just in time to see my parents walking through. I hadn’t expected them to show up on opening day, but I was so excited to see them.

“Oh my gosh! My parents are here.” I couldn’t stop the giant smile that took over my face.

“Congratulations, by the way. I’m so happy for you,” I whispered in Brooklyn’s ear before rushing off to greet my mom and dad, who were currently looking around the updated space in awe.

“Isabella,” my mom cooed as soon as she saw me.

“This is so much nicer than the saloon,” my dad added.

I sighed because of course it was. The saloon was a historical landmark with a sordid history. I always thought it was cool that it was still open and operable. And I appreciated that it hadnever been updated or redesigned. The saloon felt like stepping back in time.

“Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez.” Matthew suddenly appeared at my side, towering over me like a giant caveman. “It’s so good to see you again.”


“What are you talking about?” I whipped my head toward him.

He pulled my mom in for a hug like they were old friends before shaking my dad’s hand.

What the hell is going on?

“It’s lovely to see you again, Matthew. Thanks for the after-hours invitation.” My mom grinned.

She’d always had a soft spot for Matthew O’Grady.

Guess it runs in the family.

“Someone had better tell me what the heck is going on,” I whined, but they ignored me like I hadn’t even said a thing and wasn’t even there.

“You haven’t told her?” My dad’s brow furrowed in confusion, but not anger.

“Not yet. She’s not ready,” Matthew responded with a grin, and my dad started laughing.

I was definitely left out of whatever was going on between my old crush and my parents—the betrayers. I didn’t enjoy it one bit. My annoyance flared, and I felt like a teenager all over again.

“She will be,” my mom added.

I wanted to stomp my feet and demand they tell me what they were talking about.

“Well, this was fun. Bye,” I said before turning on my heel to leave, but Matthew reached for my arm, stopping me from moving an inch farther away.

“I went to see your parents the other day,” Matthew explained.

I stared between the three of them, silently willing him to continue the story.

When he didn’t, I pushed, “Okay. Why?”

“I missed them,” he said with a smile, but I knew that was only part of the reason. “And I wanted to ask for their permission.”

“Permission for what?” I snapped without meaning to.

I hated when I got too snarky with Matthew. I never meant to do it, but the tone sometimes came out anyway.

“To date you,” he blurted out confidently.