“You have a lot of fans. I thought they might come in handy,” he said.
I wanted to give him a raise right then and there for his resourcefulness and smarts.
“This is actually brilliant, Mr. G. Thank you,” I said as I signed the puck, handing him back the Sharpie.
I walked back to the waiting father.
The man was smiling so big as soon as he saw what I was holding in my palm. “I can’t believe this. Garrett is going to freak out. Thank you so much.”
“You bet. Let’s take a photo, or maybe I can record a quick video for Garrett, just saying hi. Does he play?”
The man nodded his head so quickly that I thought he might get dizzy. “He does. He’s not very good, but—oh God, please don’t tell him I told you that.”
I laughed. “I won’t.”
He handed me his phone, and I recorded a quick video for Garrett, telling him to keep working on his drills. Then, I said that maybe I’d be the one watching him someday. I ended the recording and handed the phone back to his dad.
“This is going to mean the world to him. They always say don’t meet your heroes, but I think they might be wrong. You’re a class act, man. Thanks again.” He practically skipped away, typing frantically on his phone.
Honestly, it was the best I’d felt in months.
I just wasn’t sure how long it’d last.
The negotiations on Matthew’s house hadn’t been necessarily difficult, just time-consuming. There’d been so much back-and-forth that I was starting to get annoyed. Either these people wanted to sell their house that had been sitting vacant for way too long, in my opinion, or they didn’t—I wasn’t sure which. Right when I was about to snap and say something to the agent I couldn’t take back, the sellers had finally agreed.
So, I asked Matthew to meet me at Main Street Diner for two reasons. One, it was a neutral location. And two, I really wanted their chicken potpie. No one else made them the way the diner did. It had the perfect ratio of vegetables, chicken, and whatever the creamy stuff was that filled it. And don’t even get me started on the homemade biscuit that topped it all off. The diner excelled in comfort food, and on chillier days like today, I always craved something hot and homemade.
I sat in a booth in the back, waiting for Matthew to arrive, as I scrolled through social media absentmindedly. I’d already put in my order because the potpies took a little longer than your typical meal to make.
“Still waiting, honey?” Mrs. Baker suddenly appeared, bringing my attention to her and the water glass she’d just refilled for me. She owned the Café with her husband and I hated even thinking about a time when they wouldn’t be running this place. They’d been here since I was a kid.
“He should be here soon.” I gave her a soft smile.
When the door opened and small gasps filled the air, she and I both knew that one of the O’Grady men had walked through it.
“Matthew O’Grady.” She wagged her eyebrows at me.
I shot her a look. “Don’t get all worked up, Mrs. Baker. There’s nothing going on,” I said.
She wasn’t buying it. Especially not once she saw the look on his face once he spotted me.
“Uh-huh. I’ve never seen Matthew light up like that for anyone except little Clarabel, but you keep lying to yourself, honey.”
Matthew reached the booth and pulled Mrs. Baker in for a hug, pulling her off her feet. She pretended to be annoyed, but I knew she enjoyed the attention.
“Put me down this instant,” she demanded through a laugh and Matthew put her gently back down.
“Good to see you, Mrs. B,” he said with a wink, and I swore I actually witnessed the woman melt from the inside out.
“You too, you little charmer.” She swatted his shoulder as he slid into the booth across from me. “Do you know what you’d like to drink?” she asked, batting her eyes at him, and I would have been more annoyed if I didn’t understand her sentiment completely.
Matthew’s eyes suddenly moved to lock on to mine. “Did you already order?”
I nodded. “Potpie. Couldn’t resist,” I said with a shrug, and he smiled, as if approving of my order.