I watched the movement and felt my dick twitch. How was I so out of control when it came to this woman? Walking around the back of her small sedan, I pulled open the passenger door and folded myself inside before pressing the button on the seat to give me as much leg room as it allowed.
Bells started laughing, her long, dark hair a little wild and unruly. I liked that it didn’t look perfect.
“You look ridiculous in my car.”
“It’s clearly made for pixies.”
“We can drive separately, you know?” she bit back, a little defensive.
“Nope,” was all I gave her in response.
“Then, no more talking badly about Betty,” she said.
I smirked, pulling my own coffee out before placing the tray on the floor by my feet.
“Of course, your car has a name.” I took a sip of my own drink.
“Doesn’t yours? I’m sure you call your truck Big Guy or Thor or something super manly since it’s, like, a hundred feet in the air. Why are the tires so giant anyway? Trying to make up for something small?”
“There’s nothing small about me, Bells.” I reached down and adjusted the crotch of my jeans. “I’ll gladly show you.”
She started choking before she finally spoke again. “Went down the wrong pipe,” she said, and right before I could make a sexual joke, she threw up one hand. “Don’t. Don’t even make a pipe joke right now.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” I said with a wink—because of course I would.
“Can I get two creams?” she asked before shaking her head. “Why is everything I’m saying setting you up to make a sex joke??” she said out loud, and I honestly wasn’t sure if she’d meant to or not.
“Thinking about having sex with me, Bells? Should have taken me up on my offer last night,” I said before handing her two tiny cream containers.
“I am definitely not thinking about that. At all.” I watched as she peeled the cover back and poured the cream in, one at a time. “Did you grab any stirrers?”
“Shit. No, I forgot. Sorry.”
“It’s fine,” she said as she gently swirled the cup in little circles, but even I knew that wasn’t going to mix it properly. “Thank you for the coffee.”
“You’re welcome.” I fiddled with the baseball hat on my head and turned it around. Whenever it was backward, it hit the headrest on the seat, so I needed to flip it.
“Damn,” Bells breathed out, and my eyes crashed into hers.
“Problem?” I asked, but my tone was all cocky and assured.
“Just liked it better backward, is all.” She was flustered, but tried to pretend like she wasn’t.
I knew there was something about a backward baseball hat that made women crazy. That and gray sweatpants, which trust me, I’d considered wearing today, but figured I’d pull them out later, when I needed to use all the tricks in my arsenal.
“Didn’t realize you liked anything about me anymore.” I grinned, and she narrowed her eyes and quickly turned away from my stare.
I wanted to touch her. Reach out and put my hand on her thigh. Pull her tiny body on top of my lap and grab her ass while I made her moan in my mouth. I really fucking wanted to kiss her. To feel her tongue on mine. Those lips were going to be the death of me if I didn’t get to feel them soon.
What if she never let me?
“Did you look at the houses I’d sent?”
Bells was all business now.
“No. Should I have?”
I stared at her while I spoke, but she was going through a stack of printed papers in her hands, her focus on those.