That was the real question. Did I want Matthew to keep making appearances at my work each time I had a shift, or would I be fine with him never showing his face again?
“I’m not sure,” I answered honestly.
“This ought to be interesting then.” She tried to laugh, but it quickly turned into a yawn. “I need sleep.”
“You and me both.” I found myself yawning as well.
It was true what they said—that yawns were catching.
“Night, Bella,” Anna said before stumbling off in the direction of her room.
I heard her door close before I even saidgood nightback to her.
I understood though. I was exhausted, too, and if I was meeting with Matthew tomorrow, I needed all the sleep I could get.
Iwoke up around ten a.m. and reached for my phone. My head ached. Apparently, I had drunk more than I’d realized last night, which was unusual. The first text I noticed was from Patrick, letting me know that he’d picked up my truck and brought it to the complex for me.
That was damn nice of him. I quickly typed out a response, letting him know that I appreciated it. One less hassle for me to handle.
The next message was from Bells. She told me that she had five places lined up for us to see today, followed by an address.
I laughed to myself.Not today, Bells.
We were going to do this my way.
I’m not meeting you at that location. We should drive together. Driving two cars makes no sense.
I waited a couple of seconds before I sent another text.
By the way, good morning.
Fine. We can drive together. Want me to pick you up in thirty?
I glanced in the mirror that hung on my wall and actually shuddered at my reflection. I looked like I’d been run over by a truck. Pulling open the nightstand drawer, I grabbed a few ibuprofens, tossed them into my mouth, and swallowed.
Thirty sounds great. Gate code is 1324. Let me know when you’re here, and I’ll come down.
Pushing out of bed, I hustled into the shower and made it as cold as I could stand to help wake me up and revitalize my insides. I didn’t have much time to make myself presentable.
After I left my place, I went to grab us a couple of coffees at the diner, which I desperately needed and hoped Bells would drink. I had no idea if she drank coffee or not, and I considered getting a tea just to be safe, but ultimately didn’t. So, I loaded up on cream and sugar and hoped for the best.
I pulled into my parking spot and cut the engine at the same time I got a text from Bells. Peeking out the passenger window, I sat there for a second and watched her in the car, glancing up, clearly looking for me. It was adorable. She kept looking down at her phone and back up through the window, her neck craning.
When I got out of my car and knocked on her driver’s side window, she jumped and let out a little scream that I heard through the glass, even though it was rolled up.
“You scared the shit out of me,” she shouted, and I just shrugged, standing there.
“Roll down the window, Bells,” I instructed as I waited, balancing the tray of drinks in one hand.
She did as I’d asked, although I was sure it was begrudgingly.
Pulling one of the coffees free, I handed it to her. “Wasn’t sure how you took it—or if you drank it at all actually. I have cream and sugar.”
“Thank you. I needed this,” she said. She brought the cup toward her nose and inhaled before pressing her red lips to the edge and taking a small sip.