Caleb and Lucas sit on either side of me, appearing more relaxed than I do. I can see that Antonio is already on edge, and the silence echoes as our drinks are brought over. I toss the first one back, amused at how his eyes widen before he schools his features. Likely wondering how he’ll cover the cost of a hundred-dollar shot of my Teeling whiskey, let alone two.

“Relax, Antonio,” I say as I reach into my jacket to retrieve the envelope of cash, holding onto it when I notice he’d like to reach across the table and snag it from my fingers before I change my mind.

“Here’s the deal,” Caleb starts. “You’re in debt up to your eyeballs.”

“The asking price was a little…high,” Lucas finishes.

Caleb speaks again. “Our offer is lower but still remains fair.”

The way they switch the narrative is a strategic move I’ve learned keeps people off-kilter.

“And so, we offer thirty percent less. But…” Lucas speaks over Antonio when the man opens his mouth to object. “We’ll absorb some of the debts to your vendors so you aren’t on the hook for them all.” His alcohol supplier, in particular, is ready to come in here and burn the place to the ground.

“Thirty percent?” he croaks.

“It’s a one-time deal. If I have to come back, it lowers by another twenty,” I say.

I’m not often in the habit of buying failing businesses; however, I’m fond of Mario’s and have already slotted out an additional location on the strip that will have this place thriving in no time.

“Take it or leave it,” Caleb tells him as I sip at my second drink, thinking of the woman back at my home and wondering if she would enjoy working on a project like this one with me.



I’ve been huddled up in my room all day, thinking over the last twenty-four hours. Picking through every word Mr. Lorde and I spoke to each other and dissecting why he was so cruel to me. How I was so brave as to talk back to him. I never would have dared challenge Blake the way I have Lucas and Mr. Lorde. I’d have been in bed for a month with the beating I would have received.

Yet now, I find I can’t bring myself to disobey Mr. Lorde. He banished me to my room before leaving, and every time I’ve tried to walk out the door and into the hallway, all I remember is how Blake would hit me when I didn’t listen.

Do I think Mr. Lorde is the same? No. Not after Lucas’ enraged reaction to my texts from last night. He is not his boss, but I can tell he’s cut from the same cloth, and being a fly on the wall for so long has given me the ability to read men. The violent ones hide their cruelty behind charming smiles and cunning looks. But, Mr. Lorde, while growly and standoffish, was honest in his brutal words and callous actions. Not once did he move to lift a hand towards me. I just wish I could have known moreabout him before coming here. I should have thought to ask Rue and Soren more questions.

Sighing, I drop back onto the bed, staring up at the shadows of trees and leaves from outside as they sway on the ceiling. Life seems so easy when you get lost in the beauty of nature, even if it’s in the dark.

As easy as it would be just to give up and surrender my freedom, it’s not only me I have to think about. Mom and Dad were upset when I told them I was leaving without any further information. My little brother, Oliver, he was angry. He wanted to storm over to my old apartment and give Blake a piece of his mind and a right hook.

It took a lot of convincing on the way here for them to believe I would be okay. I promised to stay in touch because I love my family to pieces despite everything Blake has done. They would have protected me as best they could if they’d known how bad it was.

The news I received last week changed everything, however. I can’t risk Blake doing more damage to me than he already has. Placing my hands over my still-flat belly, the tears I’ve been fighting off all day slip down my face as I think of the little life growing inside me.

Blake had been so charming when we met almost two years ago. I’d turned eighteen a week before, and he was so sweet and playful when he came into the diner where I worked. He had an easy smile and was quick to laugh, but all that charm and playfulness was just a ruse to hide the monster inside him. He hungered to break me down to nothing but a shell. What he didn’t realize was that I was raised to be a strong woman, equipped with the means to take care of myself. It’s that same strength that left me new bruises every other week.

I should have left sooner. I wish I had. All the should haves and could haves won’t do me any good now, though. I have aprecious being growing inside me that needs all my care and attention. I have to put this life ahead of my own, and that’s why it was so easy for my friends to convince me to leave.

A fresh start.

Something we desperately needed.

All I must do now is stop mouthing off and get on Mr. Lorde’s good side. Which will be difficult if he insists on being an asshole all the time.

The sound of slamming doors grabs my attention. I can’t see the front of the house from my room, but with the open window and silence, the sound reverberates around the grounds. Sitting up in bed, I quietly pad to the door and open it a crack. I can’t see down the stairs, but as the alarm is shut off and the men enter the house, I can hear them.

“Be nice to her,” Lucas growls before his heavy steps fade off into another room.

“He’s really taken a liking to this girl,” one of the other men says.

Someone grunts. I assume it’s the person who wasn’t too chatty earlier.

“He likes a project.” That’s Mr. Lorde. His gravelly voice does something to me, and I don’t know if I like it or not.