Slamming his head against the back of the chair he’s strapped into, I snarl, “No, you clueless son of a bitch. She’s havingmybabies. They’ll never know who you are. They’re Ella’s, and they’re all mine. You’re nothing but her past. One she’s already forgetting.”
Grabbing the back of his head, I twist, and the snap of his neck plays like a symphony.
There’s freedom in knowing you’re safe. In knowing that the monster who tormented you for so long no longer has any power over you.
Theias didn’t have to say it that afternoon after the fight a week ago for me to know that Blake was no longer a threat to me. It was in his eyes when he picked me up from Mario’s that afternoon. There was a peacefulness to him that could only mean one thing. He no longer sensed a threat to my safety.
Later that night, I cried in relief, being held in his arms. He never said a word, just comforted me while I unloaded my gratitude. His whispered promises only added fuel to the fire, and I cried more, eventually wearing myself out into exhaustion.
Since then, Theias has gone back to what I assume is business as usual while handing me the reins to Mario’s. Anything I say goes. It’s an odd thing to get used to–my word carrying so much weight. Antonio has been helpful, and the staff he hired when he was the owner have been thoughtful and kind. Offering input when I ask for it or they notice my indecision.
Currently, Antonio, Lucas, and Patrick–the construction foreman–stand in front of a building that I hope will be thesecond location. Theias has big plans for Mario’s, and I’m a large part of it. Patrick actually suggested the closed restaurant at the end of the strip. It’s a great location, not smack in the middle of the busiest piece of land in the state but off the side, where people usually wind up anyway.
There’s just one thing I really want to change, and I haven’t spoken to Theias yet, so I’m unsure how my idea will go over.
Pulling Lucas aside, I keep my voice low as I speak. “When Theias bought Mario’s, was there anything in the contract stating he keep the name?”
Lucas’ brow rises as he looks from me to the building and back. “No, there wasn’t. He just hadn’t cared enough to worry about it. What are you thinking?”
Pulling up a picture I took of Mario’s, I hold it up facing the strip. “I think that even though the building will get good traffic, if we go with Mario’s, it’s not going to stand out with all the glitz and neon of every other building here.”
He stares for a few minutes before nodding in agreement. “Got a name in mind?”
“I don’t know if Theias’ll like it.” Biting my lip, Lucas waits for me to speak. “It’s kind of silly now that I think about it. Forget it.” I move to walk away, but Lucas grips my elbow, stopping me.
“Spit it out, Ella.”
Blowing out a deep breath, I go for it. “He’s hinted at opening more locations, and I was thinking, what about titling the franchise The Decades…Then name the restaurants a certain year or decade.” I peek up at him, and he seems intrigued, so I carry on. “For this one, with all the neon, I’d call it 1960. Give it an old-school diner feel. For Mario’s, I’d switch it to 1990 and keep it as a cozy Italian bistro.”
It’s torture waiting for his opinion, but eventually, he smiles and nods along. “A 1970s pizzeria downtown. You’re brilliant, Ella.”
My breath whooshes out as my face alights. “You really like it? Will Theias?”
“Of course, I will.” I spin at the sound of his voice, jumping into his arms. “Missed you, too, doll.” Kissing my temple, he puts me back on my feet. “Now, what’s this idea of yours?”
Smiling as I explain my plans, he appears thoughtful but open to my ideas. He especially seems interested when I explain about an entire franchise.
“You’re a genius, Ella.” He cups my cheeks and pulls me forward for a light kiss. “I’ll speak to my attorney about getting this started and working with the city on permits and everything else we’ll need.”
“I love you,” I sigh, my heart bursting with emotion for him.
“I love you, too, Ella. More than I ever thought possible.” He kisses me again, slower, more intimate than before, and by the time we separate, we’re alone and panting for breath. “Owen has picked up your parents, and they’re on their way to their new house now. Would you like to pick up Oliver from school and join them?”
“Yes!” I can’t believe how much I’ve missed them until now. “Ollie will be so excited.”
Brushing the stray hairs away from my face, Theias’ appearance softens, and he allows himself to relax enough that I can see everything he’s thinking and feeling on his face.
“I’m not leaving you,” I whisper.
His eyes widen. “I never said you were.”
Leaning into his body, I kiss the spot above his heart. “You didn’t have to. It was in the way you were watching me.”
“I love that you read me so well.” He exhales slowly. “But I wouldn’t have allowed it even if you wanted to. I’m dependent onyou now in a way I’ve never been with anyone else. I don’t intend on losing that any time soon.”