I slip my feet into a pair of white heels before standing in front of the mirror to study the finished product. As I turn sideways, I notice how my body is transforming with the twins nestled in my womb. My boobs are bigger, my hips flare, and if I hold the material of my outfit tight, there’s the slightest bump in my stomach. Maybe it’s all in my head, and I’m only seeing what I want, but I like the changes happening to me.
Smiling to myself, I snap a picture, edit it so just my little bump is showing, and send it to Theias. He’s the one who explores my body at every opportunity, and I know he’d love to see this since he was gone before I woke this morning.
My phone dings with his response before I’m out of our room.Daddy T: Fuck that’s a gorgeous sight. Where’s the rest of you?
Smiling, I stop in the middle of the hallway to text him back.
Me: You’ll see me tonight ;)
Daddy T: Difficult woman.
Me: Only for you Daddy <3
Daddy T: Damn straight.
“You guys are so gross,” Ollie mutters in my ear, reading the messages over my shoulder.
“Maybe you shouldn’t read what isn’t for your eyes,” I scold with a smile to take away the sting.
“I really can’t come to the fight?” He pouts adorably as we walk downstairs side by side.
“Sorry, bud, adults only.” That earns me a grimace. “In a year or two, maybe. Do you really want to be around that kind of violence?”
He stops to look at me with a sympathetic gaze. “It’s not the violence, El, it’s Theias. He’s treated me better than…” I take in a sharp breath; the truth stings, though I know he doesn’t mean it to. “He’s like a big brother. He talks to me, includes me in shit, and doesn’t treat me like an annoying kid.”
“I’m really pleased you guys have that.” Cupping his cheek in my hand, I tug him in for a hug. “Life is good, Ollie. I don’t want you to feel anything but love from now on, but this fight, it’s not a good one. Not one you should witness. I promise I’ll talk to Theias, and he’ll decide on one you can come to.”
“You meanDaddy.” He gags, then laughs.
My cheeks heat as I pull back and slap his arm playfully. “Shut up. That wasn’t for your eyes, you brat.”
“You ready?” Caleb comes out from somewhere with a bag packed for Oliver, and he hands me what looks like an adult Lunchable.
“Yum. Thanks, Caleb.”
He nods as he leads the way out of the house with a few men standing near the two cars waiting for us.
“It’s like a presidential motorcade,” Oliver jokes as a man from each car holds open the doors for us.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” I hug him again and watch him leave with four men. “Is there something I should know, Caleb?” If there’s a safety issue, I need to know about it.
“No. Theias is just cautious with you and, by extension, your family.”
I stare at him. He’s stoic and doesn’t flinch, so I nod and get in the car. He follows behind me as two more men sit in the front.
“When are my parents coming?”
Taking out my phone, I decide to play with Theias some more. I stretch out my leg, bending it slightly at the knee, and send the picture.
“Are you teasing him?” Caleb chuckles when I nod. “They’ll be here next week. Theias wants to find them housing first.”
I agree, feeling a surging burst of love for this man who has somehow taken over my entire life with no remorse, and I just go along for the ride.
His response to my picture makes me laugh. It’s a picture of a wolf drooling while hunting a rabbit. That would be the epitome of my man. Impulsively, I stretch out my other leg next to Caleb’s–we aren’t touching–and send that one.
“You’re going to get me murdered, woman.” The man groans as his phone rings. “She’s fucking with you, man.” I can hear Theias issuing threats as he yells at poor Caleb before hanging up. “You want to dig my grave, or should I ask Ollie to?”
Dropping his head back, he sinks into his seat and closes his eyes as my phone dings again.