Slamming his lips over mine, Theias delves deep into my mouth with his tongue, nipping and licking me like I’m his sweet candy. Moaning into the kiss, I grip his shirt and pull him closer until there isn’t an inch of space between us.

“You’d better be because I’m never letting you go,” he groans into my mouth.

A statement like that should send me running for the hills given my past, but his words make me shiver with anticipation and need, not fear.

“I like the sound of that.” Pulling back, I drop into my seat, out of breath and feeling a clench in my belly for more of Theias.

“Tonight, you’re all mine, doll. When I get home, you’d better be in bed and naked, waiting for me.” The need in his voice steals my breath.

Biting my lip as he begins driving again, I close my eyes and try to calm down, or I might not make it to this evening. I’ll be a bundle of lust until I get his hands on me at this point.

The remainder of the drive home is uneventful, and when we arrive, Lucas and Caleb are waiting on the front lawn. Owenhas likely gone to pick Oliver up from the private school he now attends.

“Ella.” Lucas holds out a hand for me, a look of concern on his face, while Theias goes over to Caleb, and they start speaking in hushed tones. “I’ve got some garlic cheese bread waiting for you before we head to the bookstore.”

“Is everything all right?” I glance back to my man, his face a mask of rage from whatever Caleb is telling him.

“It will be. Just a little hiccup in Theias’ plans for the fight tomorrow night.”

He continues to pull me along until they’re out of sight, and I can smell the melted cheese and marinara sauce we made yesterday.

“Is it still on?” I haven’t heard much about the fight, just that it’s not often Theias jumps in the ring anymore. Back in his day, however, he was undefeated, so I’ve been told not to worry too much.

My concern hasn’t wavered.

I’ve seen MMA and UFC matches on TV. I know they can be dangerous, and since this one isn’t sanctioned and is considered underground, I’m more than aware of how much more dangerous it can and likely will be. Especially considering the amount of animosity there was between Theias and Tank during that one encounter.

“It will be. The issue is with one of the guests Theias has personally invited. The man is trying to make some off-the-wall demands. Thinks he’s a bigger asset than he is.”

I don’t think I’ll ever understand their business. I don’t think I want to. At least not right now.

“Has Owen gone to get Oliver?” Changing the subject is better than trying to figure out the secrets they don’t want me to know.

“Should be here anytime. He coming with us?”

Debating it for a second, I shake my head. I don’t need my little brother getting a look at the kind of books I like to read. He once got his hands on Dee Garcia’sFestive AFbooks, and his eyes popped open wide when he landed on a page of “Cupid’s Chokehold” before blushing like crazy. I don’t think he’ll want to join me anyway.

“No, he can stay home and do some homework or go with Theias to the gym.”

Lucas agrees and cuts up the steaming bread before plating it and handing it to me with a ramekin of marinara. Dipping a piece in the sauce, I take a huge bite. The flavors of garlic, butter, and mozzarella cheese explode on my tongue. I moan deep and loud as I close my eyes. “God, that’s good.”

Glancing at Lucas, I find him doing the same and nodding along. We eat quietly before I head upstairs to change into one of the new sundresses Theias bought me. This one is a pastel yellow with blue daisies on it. The straps are thick, and the bodice hugs my breasts without squeezing them, while the hem reaches just above my knees. I love how frilly and girly it is. Blake would never have allowed me to wear something so revealing. Even if it’s not all that revealing at all.

Shaking my head, I put him out of my mind before slipping on a pair of tan wedges and grabbing my purse and a tote bag for books.

I hear voices downstairs before reaching the landing. Theias’ face is a thundercloud of murderous rage until he spots me, then he morphs into the cinnamon roll he seems to be for me only and saunters over while his eyes eat me up.

“Maybe these dresses were a bad idea,” he mutters, running a finger along my cleavage and hissing as a blush erupts up my body. “Turn.”

I smile to myself and do as he says, kind of excited that he both loves and hates them. “What do you think?” I know hewon’t stop me from wearing it or going out. However, he’ll be a beast in bed tonight.

“You look too fucking good.” His growl rushes shivers down my spine.

Pushing up on my toes, I lean into him, kissing his cheek and whispering, “Thank you, Daddy.” He groans but doesn’t stop me from backing off and heading to the door with Lucas.

“She better come back in one piece, Luke.” The warning leaves me breathless.

Lucas chuckles and ignores him as we head to the car just as Owen and Oliver pull into the driveway.