“Set up a meeting after the fight. In fact, invite him. If I like him, he might earn more than one contract.” He might earn an exclusive deal with all my businesses if he’s as good as he says.

“You got it, boss.” Caleb dials his phone as he walks away. Owen lingers while Lucas mutters something about needing to run errands.

“What is it?” I finally ask Owen.

He sits, still waiting to speak, before opening his mouth and closing it again. “I think you should bring her parents here.”

“That so?”

“Yep. They weren’t as oblivious as we believed. They have evidence of what Ramsey did to Ella. Evidence you are going to want before you kill the man.”

“Why didn’t you bring it with you?” I lean forward, my interest piqued.

“There wasn’t time. I was trying to get Oliver out of there before the cops showed up after I took Ramsey down. They spoke quickly while I was getting the kid’s shit in the car.”

“What aren’t you saying, Owen?” I sense his reluctance.

“Ella…she refused to call it what it was. I think she was trying to ignore the full extent of the abuse she took.” His eyes won’t meet mine.

“Spit it out, Owen.” I’m getting pissed waiting on him.

“He raped her.”

“I know that. And you’re right, she is in denial, but I refuse to force her into acknowledging it until she’s ready and I have help set up for the fallout.” It kills me that she was so horrifically hurt, but until she gives me details, I’m willing to wait.

“Nah, man. Ramsey spent a weekend last year with her tied to the bed. Forcing himself on her. Beating her into nothing. Her folks said she’s been a ghost of herself since then. She can put ona fake persona better than a Hollywood star.” Fisting my hands, I force myself to stay still as he finishes. “When they learned she ran, they were shocked and convinced that the next call they’d get about her was that she’d killed herself, or Ramsey finally followed through on one of his threats to murder her.”

“When he comes here, I want his life in L.A. to disappear. I want people to think he left with no plans to return.”

He thinks he can hurt my woman? Not in this fucking lifetime. Not while I’m alive and in vicious protector mode.

Blake Ramsey thinks he’s terrifying; he hasn’t seen a damn thing yet.

They don’t call me Monster for nothing.



It’s been a week since Ollie arrived, and I took a header, giving myself a concussion. Between my brother and Theias, I’ve barely been able to walk from the bed to the bathroom or the den to the kitchen.

Today, I’ve been cleared by Dr. Edwards and a concussion specialist to resume normal activities, which is a relief because I was starting to feel smothered.

“You heard her, right?” My eyes remain on Theias’ stressed face. He’s not a fan of me being able to leave his estate. He won’t stop me, either, which is where the stress comes from. “I can go to the bookstore today, right?” I’m giddy over the idea of spending the afternoon with nothing but books and fictional love stories to keep me company.

“Yeah, you can go,” he grumbles, eyes narrowed, mouth flat-lipped, and a tick in his temple from his rapid pulse.

“You could join me,” I suggest.

I already know his answer, but he rubs a hand across his jaw like he’s contemplating. “If I didn’t have to train.”

Each day since coming home from the hospital, he’s been training for this fight against the man he stabbed on one of my first days here.

“I could wait until you’re finished.” I wouldn’t mind. I like the idea of him shopping with me for both baby books and romance novels.

Theias stops at a red light, puts the car in park, and wraps his hand around the back of my neck before pulling me as close as the seatbelt will allow. “Doll, as much as I want to keep you in my line of sight for the rest of my days, I don’t want you to lose your independence.”

Licking my lips, I meet his intense stare as he ignores the honking cars behind us. “I think I’m falling in love with you, Daddy.”