Lucas is slack-jawed, blinking rapidly, trying to process the news. “Two babies?”
“That is what twins mean,” I retort.
“I know, but two? I’m barely hanging on to the knowledge of one crying human, and now there’s going to be two?”
“Lucas,” I snap his name, and our eyes meet. “Get out of stunned mode and into supportive mode. You’re closer to her than these two idiots.” Caleb and Owen mutter in protest. “She’s going to be counting on you for friendship.” I should be jealous, and ordinarily, I would be, but they formed a weird bond beforeI was even aware of her, and she trusts him more than anyone else right now.
“I got her back, boss.” Nodding, I glance at Owen.
“You send that invite yet?” I want Blake’s head on a fucking platter for what he’s done to my girl.
“I did.” He hesitates, and I raise a brow. “I pushed the fight date back a week.” When my gaze narrows, he explains. “I figure you want Ella there, right? Well, she needs her rest right now, so moving it means she can attend later.”
“Fine. Caleb, I want security tight that night. Discreetly place a six-man team on Blake. I don’t want the asshole to take a piss without them on his ass.”
“You got it, boss. What about Tank?”
I’d nearly forgotten about the other pain in my ass.
“He know the new date?”
Owen confirms that he does.
“Good. I want him cocky and overconfident. He wins, he gets my empire. Make sure it’s advertised that way. Tickets are exclusive. No cellphones or cameras are allowed into the building. Background checks on every person who purchases a ticket, and if their ID doesn’t match, they don’t enter.”
The three share a look before Caleb speaks up. “You’re cutting it kind of close, aren’t you?”
“You don’t think I can’t kill Tank?” I snarl.
“I think it’s a risk he might try to cheat for.” Sitting back in my chair, I contemplate Caleb’s concern.
“Get a contract. He submits to a complete personal inspection before leaving the locker room, and after, should he win. Even a suspicion of cheating means he forfeits everything.” They still aren’t appeased, but I’m done talking about it. “What else needs my attention?”
Blowing out a breath of annoyance, Caleb follows my lead. “The casino has some contracts expiring and requires yourattention. Security upgrades are needed at the arena, and there’s a man who would like the exclusive contract that I think you should meet.”
“Dark Ruelle.” Caleb grins as my head pops up. “Yup, him.”
Interesting development.“Why does he want it so bad?”
“From what he has said, it’s a sound business investment.” I know he’s thinking something else, though. “Word on the street, however, is that he has beef with our current provider's owner.”
Austin River has been handling security at the arena for me for almost a decade. While it could be better and tighter, I don’t have many complaints. His men are discreet, and we haven’t had many incidents where authorities have needed to be called.
“What’s the beef?”
Caleb shrugs. “Ex-friends, rivals. I think Austin stole the girl Dark had a hard-on for, and now he wants revenge.”
Dark Ruelle is a shadow in the land of darkness. He moves when no one is watching, strikes when least expected, and has a higher body count than anyone I know.
“He was a mercenary, wasn’t he?” I ask. It’s a rumor that has been spreading since he popped up in the security business.
“Still not confirmed, but leaked files suggest he’s been connected to Cage Craven in recent years.”
Cage.The name is bitter on my tongue after our previous encounter. Six years ago, we had a run-in at an Atlantic City casino when I was meeting some potential business partners. Instead of signing a contract, Cage executed a hit he’d been hired for, killing the man before I met him.
At the time, I was pissed. After learning the man kept a harem of underaged girls and boys, I’d been slightly more grateful. I’m still salty I wasn’t the one who killed the son of a bitch. Then, Cage seemed to fall off the grid until a few years ago,when he was spotted at a book signing with his new pregnant model girlfriend.