“Another hour or so.”

I nod, get behind the wheel of my favorite car, and we take off for the arena.

“What’s going on?” I focus my eyes on the road, maintaining my speed to avoid any speed traps.

“Tank decided to use Hanger as a punching bag. An ambulance has been called. Police aren’t being allowed into the building.” Caleb sounds amused.

“How bad is Hanger?” I’ll deal with everything else after.

“Unconscious. Broken jaw and nose. Likely broken ribs. You know Hanger, he’ll never back down from any of the fighters,and after what Tank did to you, he’s not about to take his shit, either.” Shaking my head at the man’s bravery, I admire him, too.

Hanger has been around since I first opened Lorde Arena–almost ten years now. He used to be a junkie living on the streets. I warned him that if he wanted into the fold, he needed to be clean, or I’d kick his ass out.

Two months later, he was back, clean as a whistle and looking every bit the part he wanted. It’s how he got his nickname, Hanger. He hung on like a dying horse. Since then, he’s proven his loyalty repeatedly, never once betraying me or what happens in the most exclusive building in the state. He’s earned his place in our lives, and it’s time we pay him back tenfold.

“I want Tank,” I tell Caleb, who stops typing on his phone to glance up at me.

“Boss.” I cut a savage glare towards him at the warning tone in his voice. “I’m just saying…Tank is well…Tank. You haven’t fought in a long fucking time, man.”

“You think I can’t take him?” I burst into hysterics as I stare at my friend. “You haven’t been paying attention, then, Caleb.”

I’m in better shape than every fighter in my employ for a reason. When they step out of line, it’s my duty to set them straight. Tank, however, won’t be set straight. He’ll concede to me, or he’ll stop breathing.

“I’m just thinking of the girl. Let me fight him.”

The mention of Ella does give me pause, but not for long. It’s because of her and the baby that I now must do this.

“Next fight, we’re the headline. Your only job is to protect Ella.”

Caleb nods and goes back to typing, likely filling Owen and Lucas in on my decision, hoping they’ll help him talk me out ofit. Nothing and no one will convince me to let this go. Not when there’s so much on the line.

Turning onto the street where the arena is located, the flashing red and blue lights from an ambulance and multiple police cars don’t look promising until I recognize a sergeant I’ve dealt with in the past.

“Check on Hanger; I’ll be there in a minute.” Caleb does as I ask while I walk over to Sargeant Chris Fox. He’s been one of my LVPD contacts for almost two decades now. “I’m not letting your men in,” I inform him. Anticipating my response, he concedes.

“I need the guy who assaulted your man, Theias.” The poor guy looks exhausted.

“I’ll give him to you after I speak to Hanger.” I walk away before he can protest.

As I approach the ambulance, Caleb just shakes his head. “It’s not good, boss.”

“Hanger?” The man groans as he turns his head, attempting to look at me.

“Sorry, boss. Tank is just bigger.” He slurs his words from his inability to move his jaw freely.

“Get some rest, old friend. We’ll see you soon,” I say as the paramedics prepare to depart the scene.

“Bring that pretty girl of yours.”

Christ, I shake my head while the doors close. Of course, the asshole would still try to rile me up while he’s beaten to shit.

“Let’s go see Tank,” I tell Caleb.

Walking past the irritated officers being denied access, the door opens, and bright lights nearly blind me as I walk down the hallway to a locker room where Tank is being detained.