Then I wonder if there’s any out there at Theias’ hand.
How morbid are my thoughts, circling like vultures waiting to strike at my deepest vulnerabilities. Unable to defend myself against the turbulent mindset, I close my eyes and try counting my breaths.
The warmth of Theias’ large hand on my thigh startles me into looking over at him. His eyes are haunted. “I’m sorry,” he stammers, the words tearing from his soul.
Launching myself into his body, the tears hovering at the surface fall freely and unheeded. He wraps me up in his fierce embrace, holding me so tight it’s hard to breathe as he inhales at my throat.
No words are spoken as he keeps me in his lap, not withdrawing or allowing me to pull back. No, he’s a man possessed in reassuring his woman–me.
“I feel so lost,” I whisper.
Sifting his fingers through my hair, Theias tugs my head back, forcing me to meet his stare. “I’ll always find you, baby. Always.” Lowering his mouth to mine, he sips at my lips, imbibing in gentle kisses, licking lightly, and sucking until I open for him.
He keeps the kiss slow, with the purpose of showing me he can be kind. That he can give me what I need while holding his own desires at bay.
My tears grow heavier, faster, and hotter, streaming down my cheeks. My head is a jumbled mess of confusion and sadness, while my heart screams that I can trust Theias. I know I can…I think. I want to. But Blake broke me, and I now recognize that I was hiding behind bravado and fear.
“Your tears are going to destroy me.”
Tipping my head back again, our eyes lock, and I see so much in his depths. I wonder if he knows what he’s revealing. The care, the worry, but there’s something darker–a vengeance for the agony I’ve gone through.
“Please don’t do anything that will take you away from me.” We barely know each other, but I know I was born to be his. To belong to Theias Lorde is the gift I never knew I needed.
“I’ll never leave you.”
I believe him. The vehemence in his tone, the passion vibrating from his body, tells me more than words ever could.
He holds me the rest of the way to the clinic. I grow drowsy as we drive, and soon, I’m startled awake by the sound of slamming doors. Theias’ grasp tightens so I don’t jump out of his arms.
“We’re here,” he says softly as the back door of his limo opens, and Caleb offers me a hand to step out. Accepting it, I exit but remain close to the vehicle until Theias is at my side. “Ready?”
I hesitate but eventually take the first step forward.
From the outside, the clinic looks older but taken care of. It’s a single-story building with plants on either side of the front door, along with one of those porch welcome signs–something I’ve always wanted to make for my own home one day. There is a raised garden bed of flowers with open picnic tables to one side and shaded picnic tables on the other.
As we enter the air-conditioned building, it is much more modern than the façade, and fully equipped with expensive computers, inviting furniture, and from what I can see down the hallways, lots of medical equipment. It looks and feels very state-of-the-art. I guess that’s what private funding will get you.
“Ah, you’re here,” a woman in her mid-fifties greets us. She has blonde hair piled up high on her head, glasses perched on her nose, and a stethoscope around her neck. “I’m Dr. Edwards, but please call me Mia.”
“I’m Theias; this is Ella.” He reaches forward first to shake her hand, keeping his other hand on my hip, ready to protect me at all costs.
“Nice to meet you both.” I like that she doesn’t try forcing me into shaking her hand. I didn’t realize I wasn’t ready to until now. “Why don’t you follow me down to the exam room, and we can get started on some of the basics.”
As we follow behind her, she talks about the clinic and how she came about opening them. That each is like her children. The love she has for her work is admirable.
“Here we are. Ella, if you’ll hop up on the table, I’m just going to grab a new chart from my office.” She’s gone before I can agree.
Theias doesn’t hesitate to lift me up. I pull him back when he goes to move away from me. “Please don’t,” I barely whisper.
“Perfect.” Mia flashes a bright smile as she enters, closing the door behind her. “You can sit if you’d like, Theias.” He grunts but only steps to the side so I can see Mia clearly as she sits on a swivel stool and prepares to write down whatever information she needs.
“So, you’re pregnant?” I nod. “Do you know how far along?”
“About eight or nine weeks.” She jots that down.
“From what Theias has told me, I gather he isn’t the biological father?” There’s no judgment; it’s the only reason I can squeak out an answer.
“That’s right.” My heart pounds. “The father…he won’t be in the picture.”Not if I can help it.