I glance at my watch, knowing Owen will arrive in a couple of hours to pick up Oliver. “Try me,” I dare them before hanging up.
There is nothing I won’t do to ensure Ella’s safety and set her mind at ease, including bringing her brother here. I gave Owen a list of things to collect along with the boy so that he could leave the estate and attend school during the days. In the evenings, he will work with Owen and Caleb on self-defense until I feel he knows enough to protect himself adequately.
Pinching the bridge of my nose, I am, for the first time in my adult life, at a loss about what to do with Ella. My words broke her. They triggered her suppressed denials, and now, I don’t know if I’ll get back the feisty woman who challenged me even after learning who I was.
I want her back.
I want her happy, healed, and whole.
My phone vibrates in my hand, Charlie’s name flashing on the screen. “Who did you find?” I ask in way of greeting.
“Hello to you, too.” He chuckles when I growl in frustration. “There’s a new woman’s clinic in Dearborn, privately owned, with no governmental agenda. The founding doctor, a Mia Edwards, was previously a field surgeon in the Army and has been opening these clinics across the country for almost adecade. She’s renowned and supportive of her patient’s wants and needs and gives zero fucks about what men have to say. I think she might actually hate our gender.”
He sounds impressed. I could be, too, once I meet her.
“Do we have an appointment?” It’s all I care about.
“She’d like you to call her personally. She’s in her office doing paperwork all afternoon and is waiting for you.”
Hanging up after writing down her number, I call right away.
“This is Dr. Mia Edwards. How can I help you?” Her voice projects warmth and caring.
“My name is Theias Lorde. My friend Charlie called you about my situation.” Having glowing recommendations doesn’t mean she has my trust yet.
“Ah, yes, Charlie. A little wired, isn’t he?” Accurate as hell. “He didn’t go into many details, just that you have a woman who needs prenatal care?”
“She might need more than that, as well.” I lean back in my chair, and it groans under my weight.
“Please explain.”
I’ve never hesitated over anything, but I do now, not wanting to give away all of Ella’s darkest secrets. “She’s coming out of an abusive relationship and likely needs a counselor. Is that something your clinic can provide?”
She gasps, indicating she can read between the lines of what I’m not saying.
“Yes, I can arrange that. However, I would like to see and speak with her first. Charlie explained how I operate?”
“Briefly. He made it clear that Ella’s desires are the only thing important to you, and I tend to agree.” I wouldn’t want it any other way, if I’m honest.
“Great. Now, when can you bring her in? I’d like to see her as soon as possible.” The tone of her voice intimates the unspoken “before it’s too late”.
“I’ll bring her this evening. She had a rough morning and is resting now.” My need to get back to her eats at my gut.
“Perfect,” she replies. “I’ll text you the address and passcode for the gate.” She hangs up before I can ask why she needs a coded gate…. Questions for later.
Returning to Ella’s side, I ignore any business for the remainder of the day. At the moment, there is nothing more important than my woman.
Sitting silently alongside Theias, my mind remains groggy from the sedative he gave me. While I don’t feel as erratic as I did this morning, I’m still filled with much confusion and regret. The blame lies solely at Blake’s feet, but I can’t help placing some of it on Theias for forcing me to see what I’ve been in denial about since leaving California.
When I woke up, Theias was there. Watching me silently, waiting for something I couldn’t provide. I think I saw guilt in his eyes, but he can be so hard to read. After he’d explained where we were going and why, I allowed him to help me dress before I was given a protein smoothie.
Caleb drives us on our way to Dearborn, a suburb of Las Vegas where this women’s clinic is located, and I can’t seem to take my eyes off the desert laid out on the side of the road.
I grew up in Los Angeles; I’m no stranger to the terrain, but there’s something a little more…benevolent in the Nevada deserts. I don’t know why. I don’t know if it’s because of the man beside me. I just know that it makes me pause and wonder how many bodies lie out there, abandoned. Waiting to be discovered.