My legs give out, and I collapse onto the floor. I slam my fists against the plush carpet, screaming until I have no voice left, and I’m sweating from the effort. All while insisting I wasn’t raped.

I wasn’t.

I would know if I was,wouldn’t I?

Strong arms wrap around my body as Theias drags me into his chest, protecting me from the outside world as I have a total meltdown in his embrace.

The truth is, I never said no to Blake, but I also never said yes. I let him do what he wanted because I couldn’t handle daily beatings. He stripped me down to nothing until I became no one.

“Tell me his name,” Theias whispers softly in my ear. The demand has now turned into a plea. He’s begging me for the name of my tormentor because violence is how he shows he cares.

“Blake Ramsey,” I choke out and sob into his chest until the day melts away, and I’m nothing but an empty shell in a woman’s body, needing to be reborn. But I won’t be. I’ll forever be branded his victim. The woman who couldn’t defend herself against a charming man, and the more I allow the visions of his rageful eyes and painful fists to flash through my shattered mind, the more I wish I could die.



Watching Ella sleep, her hair damp with sweat after she collapsed and screamed for nearly thirty minutes, I’ve never felt so helpless in my life. I had to give her a sedative to calm her down, and now I think twice about it because she’s still restless. I’m not sure if it’s safe for the baby, and I can’t know what’s going through her head.

“Boss.” She doesn’t even make a move at Lucas’ voice as he enters the room. “I’ve got the parents on the line.”

Whipping my head around to stare at him, I regret my request now. I’m too raw, too fueled by rage to speak to them with any kind of respect, but I get to my feet and take the phone from him as he offers it.

“Stay with her,” I request, not trusting anyone else but Lucas at this point. They built a bond before I even arrived home. She trusts him in a way she doesn’t Caleb and Owen.

Assured he’ll remain with Ella, I step outside our room and walk down to my office. Making them wait is a tactic I’ve used in the past with men who piss me off and need a reminder of who I am. Presumably, they know nothing about me, but I don’t fucking care. They will learn.

Closing my office door, I sit behind the oversized oak desk, hating how ostentatious it is now. Nothing can be done about it at the moment.

I place the call on speaker. “This is Theias Lorde. Who am I speaking to?” I didn’t get their names from Lucas.

“William and Charlotte Gallagher,” a man responds. “You called us.” His brashness further angers me.

“You’d be wise to keep the attitude to a minimum right now, Mr. Gallagher.” I’m too volatile to accept any type of disrespect. “Ella is your daughter?”

“Yes! Where is she? Is she all right?” Charlotte asks, steamrolling over her husband’s voice.

“She was beaten and raped by a man you allowed her to see; what the fuck do you think?” Their sharp inhales indicate that they might not know the extent of what’s happened to her. I don’t fucking care. Ella was their responsibility. “You failed her.”

“Now, hang on. Who do you think you are?” William’s defiance makes me snicker.

“Who am I? I am the man taking care of Ella. I’m the man who will ensure Blake Ramsey never breathes the same air as her ever again. I’m the man who will spend my life devoted to her happiness and well-being.”

A week ago, I would have scoffed at this level of devotion to a female. Though, after meeting my precious woman, that is no longer the case.

“Where is she? I want to speak with her,” Charlotte demands.

“At the moment, she is resting. I will not disturb her for your benefit. However, I am sending a man to collect Oliver. After his encounter with Ramsey, he’s coming to Vegas for the foreseeable future.”

“What encounter?” William asks. Their lack of knowledge in their children’s lives is alarming.

“The black eye he’s sporting.”

“He said that was from basketball practice.” The mother sounds concerned. I’m unmoved.

“He lied, and you’re either too stupid or ignorant to realize what has been happening to your children. I don’t care which. Oliver will come here to be with his sister, and once I’ve dealt with the threat to them, they will arrange to see you again at their convenience.”

“Wait a damn minute, Mr. Lorde. You can’t just take our children. There are laws.” William’s outrage is laughable. “You can’t take Oliver across state lines; that’s a federal offense.”