It still hasn’t sunk in. I’m having a baby.Me.The girl who has never held an infant, let alone spent much time around them. I still have difficulty grasping the fact that life is growing insideme. My stomach is trim; I haven’t had morning sickness like I’ve read about. I’m only about eight weeks along, according to the doctor I saw after taking a home test, and she told me it may occur, or I might get lucky, and it’ll never happen.

I didn’t really have a reason to take the test. I’d been on birth control since I was fifteen, so the thought didn’t cross my mind. Then my breasts felt sore and sensitive, and I noticed my missed period. Of course, Blake refused to wear a condom or pull out or take any form of precaution, so when I learned he’d tampered with my birth control, I was furious.

After taking several home tests, all positive, I brought the container of pills with me to the doctor. She inspected them and confirmed my fears. He switched the pills out without me noticing, and they were so similar that I never thought there was anything wrong.

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine having a child right now, let alone with him, but here I am. About to be a mother. On the run. Living with a man who confuses me to no end.

Beating the bread dough I’ve been kneading for a few minutes, I realize I might have overdone it. Baking has always been a way for me to get my head straight, figure out what the jumble of emotions coursing through me means and what I plan to do about them, but I think I’m more confused than ever at this point.

Blowing out a breath, I place the dough in the breadbasket for it to rise and wash my hands. The doorbell rings, and despite knowing I shouldn’t, I answer it because nobody else seems to want to.

Theias has been locked in his office all morning with Lucas, Caleb, and Owen, so I figure they’re busy. It’s the least I can do.

Flipping the deadbolt on the heavy oak door, I pull it open to find a man and woman standing there. She’s dressed to impressin a red maxi dress that shows off more than it covers, with tousled hair and heavy makeup, while he looks like someone kicked his ass.

“Can I help you?” I try to sound welcoming, but I’m cranky.

“Who the hell are you?” The woman eyes me up and down, judging the comfort of my loose shirt and biking shorts.

“Ella. Can I help you?”

I briefly wonder how they got past the gates because I know everyone has to be approved by Theias or one of his men before being let through to the house. A few security measures had been explained to me over breakfast this morning.

“Where’s Theias, we need to fucking talk!” the man shouts into the house and pushes his way in, shoving the door into me so I stumble a bit and nearly fall on my ass.

“He’s busy right now. If you don’t have an appointment, I suggest calling Lucas.” I don’t know if that’s the right thing to say, but I don’t like the way they look or the animosity they both carry. “I didn’t say you could come in.” I stand in front of the wall of a man who could easily swat me like a fly.

A bark of laughter escapes him, and I wrinkle my nose in disgust. Someone needs to brush their teeth.

“Bitch, move. Theias!” he shouts while putting a hand on my shoulder to shove me.

He stops when a cold voice growls a warning. “Remove your fucking hand from my woman before I fucking cut it off.” I swear, my body sighs at the sound of his voice. I should be more alarmed about the threat, but I’m oddly comforted. “Ella.” The command in his voice melts any resistance within me.

When I move towards Theias, the hand on my shoulder tightens and pinches a nerve, buckling my knees until I nearly drop. Gasping in pain, I whimper before regaining my balance.

“I don’t think so, bitch,” the man growls, dragging me into his side.

The pure rage on Theias’ face would normally cause me to shrink away and try to become invisible, but I know it’s directed at the man with his hands on me.

“What the fuck did I just say, Tank?”

Theias storms closer, a sharp and scary-looking curved knife in one hand. Caleb and Lucas share a look behind him but make no move to put a stop to this craziness.

“If you would just let me go, he won’t cut your hand off, and I can finish my bread.”

Those pregnancy cravings have hit me hard, hence the breadmaking. I had plans to whip up some cinnamon butter while it was baking, too. I don’t think I’ll get to do either of those things anymore.

“Bread?” Tank glares down at me.

Before I can explain, Theias plants a fist in the man's distracted face, following him to the ground with the knife at his throat. “I fucking told you, hands off.” Tank grunts and struggles until Theias applies more pressure, and I see little spots of blood bubbling to the surface.

“I’m going to be sick.”

Slapping a hand over my mouth, I rush to the bathroom upstairs, needing to get away from the violence and the sound of a sickening crunch.

I hear, “Follow her,” but don’t pay attention to anything else as I slam and lock the door behind me, barely making it to the toilet before I vomit up my breakfast.

Sweating, panting, and feeling too sore to move, I focus on breathing as I close my eyes and lean my head back against the wall, wishing for a cold cloth.