“Shit,” I hiss as Rue dabs the fresh cut with an antibacterial wipe gently.
“Sorry,” she whispers. I realize she’s risking the wrath of her husband by helping me.
Why she’s not more afraid of Nick Gambino, I’ll never understand.
That’s a lie. I’ve seen the way he looks at her, the gentle way he handles her. He’d never hurt a hair on her pretty little head, and I’m jealous. Not in the green-eyed monster and wanting to terrorize them kind of way; more in the I wish I had that too, and I’m so envious I could cry kind of way.
“Do you want to tell me what happened?”
I cringe and draw away at her question. I hadn’t wanted to let Rue see the fresh damage to begin with, but for as soft and sweet as she is, the woman doesn’t take no for an answer, either.
Shaking my head, I pull my hair forward to hide the new bruises from the other ladies who will soon be here for our little book club.
I’ve done pretty decently hiding my secret from everyone, but Rue and Soren seem to always know what’s going on behind theheavy makeup and sunglasses. I’ve never been good at hiding, but I thought I’d done a decent enough job. None of the other women in our book club have asked or made like they know what I’m going through.
“All done.” Rue smiles as she puts her things away. “I’m here to listen when you want to talk,” she tells me quietly as Soren leads some of the arriving women into Rue’s opulent front room.
Giving a nod, I sit back in the corner chair, cover my legs, pull down the sleeves of my sweater, and hope I make it through without too many questions. I listen as they talk about the latest fantasy romance book we read this month. It isn’t really my cup of tea, so I don’t offer many opinions because, for the most part, everyone else seems to have enjoyed it, and the writing is fantastic. I just don’t vibe with those types of books. I love a good contemporary romance with realistic situations. It allows me to believe that my one true love is still out there, waiting for me to arrive.
By the time everyone is on their way out, I gather up my things, not realizing Rue and Soren are about to corner me.
“We were thinking,” Soren begins. They share a look that makes my stomach drop to my feet. “We understand you don’t want to talk about what’s happening, but what if we can get you out, anyway?” Tears spring forth and spill over before I can stop them.
“How?” I barely speak through the constriction in my throat.
“My brother-in-law has been looking for some help around his house. Someone he can trust and who won’t get in his way. He can be cranky. It’s in Las Vegas, and Eli and Wes are prepared to take you right now.” The men in question step forward from around the wall. “Just say yes, Ella, please,” she finishes.
I accept after looking into my friends’ pleading, worried eyes.
“You two are brave,” a man says as he opens the large oak doors leading into Mr. Lorde’s mansion on the outskirts of the city. “You’re really going to leave the girl here?”
I turn back to stare at Eli and Wes. They didn’t say much on the drive to Vegas, and I didn’t offer conversation, either.
Matching smirks cross their mouths now. “It’s what Rue and Soren want,” they say in unison, making it sound like that’s all the incentive they need.
“Theias is going to kick some ass,” the man mumbles.
“Tell him she’s Rue’s gift,” Wes calls back, amusement in his tone. The statement is confusing to me but not to those around me because the man in front of me now looks like he’s assessing me.
“What happened to your face?”Well, he’s kind of rude.
“What happened to yours?” I snap back, regretting it but not showing it. My mouth is the reason I’m in so much trouble.
“You are not going to last if you keep that up,” he warns, pushing open the door in welcome.
“Then I guess I better leave.” I move to turn around, but he grips my arms gently while dragging me inside.
“Not on my watch,” he mutters, closing and locking the door. I notice that the entrance is fingerprint accessed.
“What, am I a prisoner here or something?” I’m half joking, but as he raises a brow, a sense of unease runs up my spine.