Page 68 of Stealing the Biker

“You did it. Congrats, brother.” Trenton gives me a bro hug.

“Thanks, but what the fuck is going on? We’re not RBMC anymore?”

“I couldn’t tell you what was going on since you weren’t patched in, but yeah. A lot of the other chapters haven’t liked the direction shit was headed and have severed ties or disbanded. Prez and Kingpin met with some of the other Presidents while in Anarchy. Came to a decision to patch into a new club. From now on we’re proud members of Bastard Sons MC.”

The name isn’t important. It’s the men I serve with. The brotherhood and found family I’m now a real part of.

The party gets underway and after about half an hour, the women show up. I watch the brothers of the club mingling with their ol’ ladies, and all I can do is think about Kiesha. The one person I want to celebrate with the most.

I pull out my phone and dial her number, but the call is rejected.

I’m still blocked.

“Hey,” Sabrina says, her voice timid as she approaches me.

“What are you doing here?” She’s the last fucking person I want to see.

“I’m here with Crawl. I just wanted to say I’m happy for you. That you got what you wanted.”

Not everything. I keep the thought to myself. “So, are you guys a thing now?” I take a hard pull off my bottle of Budweiser.

She shrugs. “I don’t know. I guess we’re going to try for the sake of the baby.”

I snort. “Good luck.”

“I really am sorry, Jimmy.”

“Yeah. Me too.”

“I’ll see you around.”

I fucking hope not. I don’t say it aloud, but she can sense how much I despise her with the look I cut her way.

“Or not,” she mutters and returns to Crawls’ side, where she fucking belongs.

“Hey, Knuckles. Get your ass on over here,” T-bird calls from the other side of the fire. He’s got a wicked grin on his face and a bottle of liquor in his hand. “We’re gonna initiate you properly into the Bastard Sons MC, brother.”

I’m not sure what they have in store for me, but I’m ready for anything at this point. I don’t feel like celebrating, but I know these guys won’t let me wallow in self-pity.

“Man, he’s already got his initiation from Crawl.” Smoke chuckles. The others join him, and I force a laugh to keep up with their banter.

Fucking assholes. Like I need a reminder that my ex is here and is on her way to becoming another man’s ol’ lady. I’m not jealous, but I thought I’d have Kiesha on my arm when this night arrived.

“Who wants some new ink?” Roane announces, opening up his tattoo station.

“Time to get your first official ink,” Ember says, motioning me over. I don’t know if I trust her after she tattooed a cartoon bird on T-bird. I don’t know if she’s holding a grudge for Sabrina’s sake even if they are still on the outs. “What will it be?”

My mind flashes to Kiesha and the way she always tasted of strawberries. I settle on a skull with a strawberry coming out of its mouth.

Later on, Kimber approaches me. “You really did a number on my sister, you know?”

“I never meant to hurt her.”

“Well, you did.”

“Kind of hard to apologize when she has me blocked.”

“It wouldn’t matter. She’s gone.”