“That’s okay. I hope you had a great trip.”
“It was interesting and let’s just say a little birdie told me that Sabrina’s not even pregnant. She’s lying to Jimmy. Do with that what you will.”
“You’re sure?”
“Oh yeah. Girl most likely stole Ember’s pregnancy test and passed it off as her own.”
“Thanks, Pam.”
“No problem. I also have it on good authority that everyone’s at the clubhouse if you were to go looking for Jimmy.”
I end the call with Pam, and I’m conflicted. If Sabrina is lying, Jimmy deserves to know the truth, but it also would serve him right for all the mess and heartbreak he’s caused. I don’t know what to do.
Will he think I’m just trying to screw with them? Though, if it were me, I’d want to know, wouldn’t I?
It shouldn’t matter what I look like, but I take extra care doing my hair and makeup. I want Jimmy to eat his heart out when I deliver the news. Yes, it’s petty. No, I don’t care. When I pull up to the gate, there’s a guy I don’t recognize. He must be new.
I’m not above using my Uncle Link’s status as a club officer to get what I want and that’s exactly what I do. I spot him coming out of the clubhouse looking ten shades of pissed. I don’t know if Pam mentioned anything to him or if he knows anything, but if I wasn’t so determined to do this in person, I’d cower and run away at the sight of his brutal face.
“What are you doing here, Kiesha?”
“I have something to discuss with Jimmy.”
“And what the fuck would that be?”
“It’s personal. It’s between him and me.”
“Any business you’ve got with anyone here is my business and Prodigy’s. You better start talking.”
“It’s about his girlfriend. I just really need to speak to him.”
“Fine,” he grits at me as I spot Jimmy exiting the clubhouse with Smoke.
“There he is. I’ll just go talk to him.”
“You’ll stay right where you are. Prospect. Get your ass over here.”
The new guy, his jacket bearing the ‘Prospect’ title that marks him as a potential member of the club, quickly jogs over.
Link points to me. “Keep an eye on her. Make sure she doesn’t wander off.”
The Prospect nods, a determined look on his face as Link strides away towards Jimmy and Smoke. I cross my arms over my chest and glare at the guy whose name I find out is Tyler. He doesn’t say anything, just maintains his steady watch over me.
Standing here under his scrutiny makes me feel like a criminal awaiting punishment, but I’m not the one in the wrong.
I tap my foot impatiently, biting my lower lip as I watch Link pull Jimmy aside. They share a few heated words before Jimmy throws a glance in my direction. His expression is unreadable, but he doesn’t look happy to see me.
Finally, Link strides back to us, Jimmy following closely behind. Jimmy’s hands are shoved into his front pockets, his gaze focused on me with an intensity that steals my breath. Despite how much I want to hate him, seeing him makes me miss him. Makes me crave him in ways I shouldn’t. I have to remember that he’s the one who broke my heart and not the other way around. He ruined what we had.
“You have something to say to me,” he says, his voice strained.
I glare at my uncle. “Can you give us a minute?”
“You’ve got two minutes.” He motions for Tyler to give us some privacy.
Once they are out of earshot, I start. “I need you to listen. There’s something you should know about Sabrina. Supposedly, she’s not really pregnant. She used Ember’s test to trick you.”
“I know. Smoke told me.”