“Define okay.”
“I’ve been worried out of my mind.”
“Can we talk?”
“Jimmy, you’re scaring me.”
“I just need to see your face is all,” I lie.
“Now. Swing by the clubhouse. No one else is here.”
“Right. The rally. Okay.”
“I’ll meet you at the gate.”
The call drops and I take a few more shots before walking back to the gate and lighting up a cigarette to wait.
Kiesha pulls up, driving a shiny cherry red Mustang. Dark circles ring her eyes, and I know they are due to me. All I do is hurt the people I’m supposed to care about. “Nice car,” I tell her as I open the gate and shut it once she pulls through. “Park by the garage.”
Once she’s out of her car, she doesn’t make a move to come inside. She leans against the driver’s side door, arms folded over her chest. “You see me.”
I nod, hating the suspicious expression she wears. “Let’s talk inside in the AC.”
“Fine.” She pushes away from her car, and I reach for her hand, feeling the bitter sting when she rejects me.
I lead her to the back booth and wait for her to slide in so I can box her in. It’s not fair, but I need her to hear me out. I’m afraid she’ll bolt before I can fully explain. I stare at her a beat before I speak, taking in all of her beauty and soaking up her sweet scent.
She rolls her eyes at me, her patience wearing thin.
“I’m sorry I went silent on you. There’s been a lot of shit the past few days that I had to handle. I’m still dealing with it.”
“What’s so important that you couldn’t let me know that you’re alive?”
“Smoke and Ember broke up, so I had to find a new place.”
“And Sabrina? Did you end it?”
“Not yet.”
“Let me up.” She pushes against me, but I don’t budge.
“Just listen. There’s more I need to tell you.”
“You’re still with her,” she says with a shake of her head. I lift my hand to brush her pink tendrils back from her face and she jerks away from me as if my touch burns her. “Don’t touch me.”
I deserve her coldness, but it still cuts me to the bone.
“I fucked up. The night of your prom. We had that fight about you going with Jonesy and I got drunk and I slept with Sabrina.”
“I’m going to be sick. You fucked her, then lied to my face. I guess it’s what I get for doing it to her. I can’t be mad at her but you. You knew that would hurt me.”
“I wasn’t thinking.”
“Yeah, you were. You just weren’t thinking about me. God, you are so selfish. So what? You’ve decided that you want to get back with her. Or I guess stay with her.”