I slide the tray onto the table and hold out the can of pop for him. “Do you like Cherry Coke?”
“Not really.” He snatches my juice off the tray instead and pinches a corner of the roll to dip into the mashed potatoes.
“Everyone likes Cherry Coke,” I grumble.
“Let me guess. Jonesy loves Cherry Coke.” His voice comes out acidic, dripping with sarcasm. “Shouldn’t you be having lunch with him and bringing him a Coke?”
“None of your business.”
“Come on. Point him out. I need to see this kid.”
I ignore him. There’s no way I’m letting him know who Jonesy is. He’ll probably do something to embarrass me in front of him on purpose. “You do know there’s an extra fork you can use and don’t eat all the mashed potatoes.” I elbow him in the rib as I scootch in next to him to share my tray, temporarily forgetting my annoyance at his intruding on my day.
“Sorry, brat.” He grins at me, twisting the tray around so that the mashed potatoes face me.
“You’re such a slob.” I laugh, handing him a napkin to wipe the food away from his mouth.
“You’re really not going to point him out? Is he even here?”
I shrug. “You know how it is for football players.”
“Not really.”
“Everyone always wants a piece of them.”
“Maybe you should go for someone less popular then.”
“That’s part of the appeal.”
He frowns at me like my answer disappoints him. “So, you’re one of those types.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“The kind of girl who only goes after someone for their looks and their status. Doesn’t matter if the guy is a dickhead as long as he’s popular.”
Clenching my fork, I stab a chicken tender, aggressively. “What would you know about it? Jonesy’s nice. Mostly. I don’tcare that he’s the captain of the football team. You wouldn’t understand.”
Jimmy shrugs. “Trust me. I get it more than you know. Gotta climb the social ladder or else you won’t get invited to the parties.”
“Let me guess. You never got invited.” I smirk. “I bet you would have loved to have been popular when you were in school.”
“I used to think so.”
“What changed?”
“I graduated and realized it didn’t matter what anyone thought of me. What mattered was what I think of myself, and I happen to like me.”
“Did you read that on a fortune cookie or read it on a quote somewhere?”
“Nope. Are you going to point this crush of yours out or what?”
Ugh. He’s so annoying that I almost miss Bethany.
Chapter Three
“So that’s the guy?” I chuckle. I’m not sure what I expected Kiesha’s crush to look like, but this chump isn’t what I was picturing for her. Not that I care.
“Why are you laughing?”