Page 59 of Stealing the Biker

“Hell no. The last thing me and my babies need is your uncle going off and catching a murder charge.” She laughs, but there’s no humor behind it. Pam is nuttier than squirrel shit, but my uncle has one hell of a temper. “I know it’s hard to sit and wait. But be patient. I’ll call you as soon as I know something. It may be a few days or later in the week before I have something. Just trust me and be patient. I don’t know what kind of situation or deal you’ve got with Jimmy, but I promise it’s going to work out.”

After leaving Pam, I swing by and pick Bethany up. I can’t do anything about Jimmy right now, but I can graduate and take Bethany to project graduation with me. If anything, at least she will distract me with her goofy antics and trying to push me into dating Jonesy. That’s never going to happen. He’s got his own problems, and he’s off to Alabama in a month to train for his college football career. We would never work. Everyone has all these plans. When I told Sam that I wanted to stick around hereto go to school instead of moving into the apartment her father is renting near his house, they got mad at me.

Maybe that was a mistake.

I know they were looking for a new roommate, but maybe they’ve not found someone. I’ve been so caught up in Jimmy that I’ve been an awful friend. I wouldn’t blame them for dropping me completely. I can’t count the number of times I’ve blown them off or stood them up to sneak off and Jimmy instead.

Look where that got me. Being played for a fool. But I promised Pam I’d be patient.

So I’ll at least try.

Chapter Twenty-one

The past few days have been absolute hell. Smoke and Ember broke up, which fucked my plans up. I’d found an apartment for Kiesha and me out at Davis Creek, and now I’m living in it with Sabrina. I can’t abandon her when she’s having my child. I’ve been avoiding Kiesha’s messages and calls. I’ve not built up the nerve to tell her about the baby. I went as far as skipping her graduation.

I don’t know how to face her and what I’ve got to say can’t happen over the phone or through a text message.

I’m barely hanging on. The only thing keeping me going is knowing that my one-year prospecting is almost up and if I don’t fuck this up, I’ll earn my cut.

Most of the club is riding out to Anarchy, California, to a rally held by Kings of Anarchy MC. I’m biding my time. Once I know that Link and Prodigy are out of the state, then I can approachKiesha. Maybe if I explain, she’ll understand. I never meant for any of this to happen, but I have to face the consequences of my actions. I just hope it doesn’t cost me everything and then some.

I watch on as the club loads up to make their journey. I’m shocked to see Ember here and with Creed, of all people. Smoke rides up and the tension in the air is heavy between them. I figured he’d got back with Ember by now. He was ready to wife her up. I tried talking to Sabrina about it, but she got all weird when I brought Ember up.

I don’t know which way is up anymore. Sabrina has been acting strange since she told me she was pregnant. I don’t know if she knows about Kiesha and is waiting for me to confess or if she had a fight with Ember, but they aren’t speaking.

Nothing makes sense.

I see Angel climb on the back of Smoke’s bike, and that’s how I know everything is upside down. “What’s up with that?” I ask Trenton or should I say T-bird. He patched in and has his official road name now.

“Stella told me that Smoke cheated on Ember with Angel, and I guess she’s back with Creed.”

“Fucking crazy.”

“No crazier than your news. I hear you’re going to be a dad. Does this mean you made your choice between her and Kiesha?”

“Shit,” I mutter, dragging a hand down my face. T-bird doesn’t know the half of it. “Look, help me keep this quiet for a while longer, all right? I need to sort things out first.”

He gives me a curious look before shrugging. “Sure thing, man. You ought to know you can trust me.”

“Appreciate it.”

“You know I’ve got your back, but fuck me, buddy. You’ve got bigger balls than I do, Jimmy. You better handle your shit right or it’ll be hell for you.”

“I know, T,” I reply, forcing a smile onto my face that comes off more as a grimace.

The rumble of motorcycles fills the air as the group readies to leave. One by one they ride off down the road, disappearing into the distance, leaving me alone with my thoughts. The plan of confessing to Kiesha seems even more daunting now that everyone’s gone. I can’t keep putting her off.

Sabrina’s supposed to be at work. It’s now or never.

I head back inside the clubhouse, hating how eerily quiet it is with nearly everyone gone. Grabbing a bottle of liquor off the top shelf behind the bar. I go for the good stuff. There’s no one to tell me no. I need some liquid courage before I see Kiesha.

I take a couple of shots and pull out my phone. I scroll down to Kiesha’s name, my finger hovering over the call button.

“Hey,” she answers midway through the second ring.


“Are you okay?”