I almost had it all.
Chapter Twenty
Three days.
It’s been three days since I’ve heard from Jimmy. I can’t help but think he’s played me for a fool. I drove past their house, but his truck wasn’t there. I snuck a look at mom’s schedule for the daycare and didn’t see Sabrina’s name on it. Did she quit? Did they move back home?
My texts are being delivered, but go unread.
I’m losing my mind. My graduation is tonight. I thought I’d be celebrating with him, but I thought wrong.
I don’t understand it. I don’t understand men. They get what they want, then never want it again. My stomach lurches and I rush to the bathroom, losing my lunch. I sit on the cool tile floor, lean against the wall, willing him to call. To give me an explanation that makes sense.
Was he using me? Was it all lies?
He promised me and he lied.
A knock at the door startles me.
“Kiesha?” It’s my mother’s voice, laced with concern. “Are you alright? It sounded like you got sick?”
I don’t want to answer. I don’t want to talk to anyone right now, but if I don’t say something, she’ll worry. “Just nervous about graduation.”
“Well, get cleaned up and come outside. I want to snap some pics. Nini’s here.”
“Okay,” I croak, sounding like there’s a frog stuck in my throat. Nini was once married to my grandpa and kind of adopted us as her family after their divorce. She’s over the top and fabulous. She also drives my mom crazy with how pushy and intrusive she can get.
I push off the floor, wash my face, and brush my teeth. I’m in no mood to go full glam, so I stick with mascara and lip gloss. Graduation isn’t until later, but I go ahead and put on my dress for the pictures.
“There’s my darling girl.” Nini holds her arms open, expecting a hug when I step outside.
I embrace her, noticing the red Mustang sitting in the driveway. “Did you get a new car?”
“Something like that. Let me get a good look at you. Your mom says you’re not feeling well.” She twists my face, looking me over. “A little pale. Hmm.”
“I’m fine.” I plaster a smile on for her even though my heart is breaking further with every second that ticks by without a response from Jimmy.
“Good. I’d hate for you not to enjoy your graduation present.” She dangles a set of keys in front of me and I look over at my mom and Prodigy.
Mom smiles big. “It’s from all of us. Your sister and Nav kicked in on it, too.”
“Are you guys for real?” Momentarily, my heartache is forgotten.
“It’s all yours, but you’ve gotta promise to come visit me more often.”
“Will do.” I snatch the keys and dart across the lawn to the car.
I open the door, breathing in the rich scent of leather. It feels so strange to sit in a car that is mine. Really and truly my own. Instead of sharing a ride with my mom when she isn’t using it.
“Thank you!” I shout across the lawn, laughing as Nini performs an exaggerated curtsey.
“Don’t thank me yet,” she calls back, grinning mischievously. “Wait till you see the insurance bill.”
We all laugh, but inside, my heart surges with gratitude. Despite the hurt that Jimmy brought into my life, I’m not alone. I have people around me who care about me, even if he doesn’t.
I fight back the bittersweet tears of regret. I don’t want to regret him, but I’m so confused and worried about him. Maybe something happened with the club. I’m jumping to conclusions, but his behavior is out of the norm. Even if he doesn’t reply to me straight away, he always reads my messages.