“If we’re lucky, we’ll get to sneak off and ride some rides.” And spy on Jimmy and Sabrina. I want to see how he is with her when he thinks no one is paying attention. I know when they are around the club members he has to pretend to like her, but what if he’s not pretending?
After some cotton candy and winning her blow up cartoon character, Kieleigh is passed out in her stroller. Mom gave mepermission to hangout with Bethany and my sister promised to drop me at home later. Operation stalk Jimmy and Sabrina is underway.
Bethany has no idea that we’re following them from ride to ride. She’s just happy to be off babysitting duty. Jimmy hasn’t even spotted us, but I think Sabrina is beginning to notice that we’re always behind them as we move through the line for the water log.
She keeps glancing back at us, and I do my best to pretend not to notice her. After this ride, I need to keep my distance. The last thing I want is for her to confront me or make a scene. Not with more than half the club and their families in attendance.
“You know what? I think I’m thirsty. We should get lemonade and a funnel cake.” I tug on Bethany’s arm, pulling her out of the short line.
“Yeah sure.”
We take our time walking back toward the concession area.
“Are you okay?” Bethany reads me easily.
“Too much sun,” I lie. “I’ll feel better once I have some sugar in me.”
“Well, if you’re up for it, we should ride the Big Dipper again.”
“Sure.” I’ll do anything at this point to get my mind off Jimmy and Sabrina, but that’s easier said than done.
While we’re at the food court, they walk by, seemingly having an argument. Sabrina is practically storming toward the exit for the park and I feel guilty that the sight of her unhappiness boosts my mood. Could this be it? Is Jimmy finally ending things with her?
Chapter Nineteen
Today went about as well as I expected it to. I feel like such a dick. I treated Sabrina like shit all day, hoping I would push her to do my dirty work and breakup with me to save me from doing it. She didn’t take the bait.
I promised Kiesha, but I’m a fucking coward. I don’t like hurting someone I once loved and thought I would one day put a ring on their finger. But life happened. The club and Kiesha happened.
I’m hiding at the clubhouse, getting drunk and avoiding the inevitable when Smoke shows up, looking as lousy as I feel.
“I ended things with Ember,” he confesses to me, his statement shocking the hell out of me since I live with them, and they seemed happier than ever today.
“Are you stupid?”
His gaze cuts me sharper than glass. “You should worry about your own problems. Sabrina’s pregnant.”
Time stops moving. My heart squeezes so damn tight I think it may rupture. “What did you say?”
“Ember told me today.”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. This can’t be happening. I was careful.
I’m going to be sick. There was one night a few months back I slept with her. It was wrong and I should never have gone there, but I did. There is no excuse I can make.
I drive to the house we rent with Smoke and Ember in a state of denial. Maybe Smoke is just talking out of his ass.
“I’m pregnant, Jimmy.”
I stare at Sabrina, wondering how in the fuck this is possible. I’ve been careful. She’s supposed to be on birth control. We agreed that having kids wasn’t something either of us were ready for. Not by a long shot.
“Aren’t you going to say something?” She holds my gaze, worrying her bottom lip.
Used to when I looked at Sabrina, my heart was on fire for her. Her brown eyes and dark curls were all I wanted. Now when I look at her, all I feel is guilt and regret.
My stomach drops to my feet, weighting them in place, like a cement block. Fuck. Fuck. “You’re sure? Maybe you’re late.”
“I took a test. See.” She shoves a plastic stick in my direction.