Page 51 of Stealing the Biker

“Hope you know what you’re doing.” He shakes his head and lights up a cigarette.

“Not a damn clue.”

“Fuck. You must have a death wish.”

“Maybe I do,” I reply, leaning back in my chair and closing my eyes. Images of Kiesha’s face, her smile, the way she looks when she’s lost in pleasure flash through my mind. My heart aches with a longing for her. But I also know what the club brothers will do if they find out what I’ve been up to.

The brotherhood has rules, unspoken codes of conduct that everyone follows. One of them is extreme loyalty to each other. If there’s one thing the club hates, it’s a man who can’t be trusted, a man who lies and deceives his brothers. And that’s exactly what I’m doing. Going behind Link’s back. Going against his wishes to steer clear of Kiesha.

I’m risking it all for her.

“If you two don’t have anything to do but gossip, I can find you something to do,” Sandman tells us.

“I was just leaving.” Trenton flashes me a smile, leaving me on my own to be hazed by this crazy fucker that’s married toa witch. When he met his ol’ lady, he was convinced she had cursed his dick.

“Put your ass in a maid costume and make you wait on me all day.”

“Marriage has made you lame. You need to find some new material,” Viking tells him. “That punishment is as old as your boots.”

“Fuck you.”

“I think Andi might get pissed, but…” He grins and Sandman shoves him.

“Stupid ass.”

“I was only here to speak to Trenton.”

“No, for real, man. We’ve got a job for you.”

“What’s up?”

“Kiesha says someone’s dealing to the high schoolers. You did so good blending in as a student. We’re sending you back to go undercover for real. Slick’s working on your papers to enroll you Monday.”

Fuck. It’s a great way to see Kiesha, but I don’t want to go back to school.

“Look at his face,” Sandman says, nearly doubling over with laughter.

No one thinks Sandman is as funny as Sandman.

“White as a damn sheet,” East answers with a chuckle. “We’re just fucking with you, prospect. Get me a beer.”

I grab them a round and one for myself.

“Did he say to get yourself one,” Hound says on a grunt, staring me down.

“No.” I slide the beer to him.

“Thanks. Now you can get one for yourself.”

Viking shakes his head. “Gotta grow some balls, boy. You don’t have to take our shit all the time. You can give it back.”

“Don’t listen to him. He just wants to see you get your ass laid out,” East warns.

“Leave that boy alone,” Pam, Link’s wife, tells them. “Come sit with me. I’ll give you some dirt on them.” She smirks and they all look a bit scared of her.

Can’t blame them. She knows everyone’s business and I need to stay on her good side. The second she suspects I have a secret, she will be on me like a dog with a bone.

“Heard you were the woman to see if I want to place a bet.”