I drop Kiesha off at her car, hating letting her go but knowing I have to. I’ll have to keep my distance, but now she understands. Every move I make going forward is for us. For the future, we’re going to build. I know I’m a shit person to string Sabrina along, but if I can help get her on her feet, then is it so wrong?
She wanted to be with me to get away from her shitty family. I’ve done that and more.
We’d both be lying to ourselves if we didn’t admit that we are on two very different paths. I want a life with the club, and she wants…hell I don’t know what she really wants. I’m not sure if she even knows herself. I tried to make it work. I did. I never expected to meet Kiesha and to fall so damn hard. The last thing I want to do is hurt her, but for once, I’m ready to be a little selfish. I’ve always done what everyone expects of me. She’s never spoken about dreams and aspirations like Kiesha. Evenwhen I ask, she avoids the topic as if it’s a live snake ready to strike.
For now, I have to hold all my cards close to my chest. I need to protect Kiesha from any potential backlash. The club won’t take kindly to my actions if they were to find out. Now, I’ve got to go home. Back to reality. The world where I smile at Sabrina as if everything is normal. Where I play house with a woman who used to mean something to me but doesn’t anymore.
Every moment with Sabrina, every laugh, every touch, every conversation is going to seem like a betrayal to Kiesha. But there’s no other way around it. At least not for now. If this plan is going to work, if Kiesha and I are going to be together, Sabrina cannot have any doubt about my commitment to her.
As I pull up into my Gran’s driveway, I can see Sabrina sitting on the porch steps waiting for me. She looks anxious, her hands fidgeting in her lap. Immediately guilt washes over me, but then the image of Kiesha surfaces in my mind and everything else fades away.
“Where were you?” Sabrina asks as I step out of my truck.
“With some guys,” I lie, hating myself for doing so but knowing it’s necessary for now. “Why are you waiting out here?”
Sabrina shrugs, her gaze not meeting mine. “I just wanted some fresh air. You said you would be here before I woke up.”
“I’m sorry. I got caught up, but I’m here now.”
“You’re supposed to help me pack.”
“I’ve got the boxes and totes. I didn’t forget.” Not that we have much to pack up. We’ve mostly only got to take our clothes. The house is already set up and we’ll be moving into one of the upstairs bedrooms. We’ve stayed over a few times in the past. I know Sabrina is excited about living with Ember.
“It wasn’t an accusation. I was worried.”
I squeeze her shoulder reassuringly, hating the lie on my lips. “There’s nothing to worry about, Brina.”
“Promise?” Her voice is soft and hopeful.
“Promise.” I say, looking away from her piercing gaze. The slight tremble in my voice goes unnoticed by her. I’ve never been a great liar, but with each new one, it gets easier.
“Let’s get this packing party started,” I propose, eager to change the subject and busy my mind. All I can think about is how good it felt to be with Kiesha last night. How right. I wish things were different, but this is my reality.
“Okay. Let’s pack.” Sabrina says, standing up from the steps. She gives me a brief, hesitant smile before disappearing into the trailer. I follow her inside, my heart pounding in my chest. This is going to be difficult, but I keep reminding myself that it’s for Kiesha and our future together.
Moving to Charleston is another step closer to where I’m meant to be.
Gran is sitting at the kitchen table having coffee and cracks a smile when she sees me. “About time you rolled in. I made biscuits and gravy. Help yourself.”
“Thanks, Gran. You’re the best.”
“I know,” she grumbles. “But not good enough that you’ll stay here instead of moving to the city to be one of them outlaws.”
“Soon as I have my own place, you can move with me.”
She shakes her head. We both know she will never leave this holler. She was born in these mountains, and she’ll die in them. Leaving her here alone has a newfound guilt taking hold of me. What if she gets sick or falls and I’m not here? She’s always taken care of me, and I swore I’d always be here for her, but I’ve got a life of my own to live.
“I’ll come by every week to have dinner with you.”
“Hmm,” she grumbles like she’s not so sure.
After scarfing down a plate of her cathead biscuits and white gravy topped with bacon, I start bringing in the packing supplies. Sabrina has started pulling her clothes out of the closetand gathering our toiletries from the bathroom. Within a few hours, we have my truck loaded and say our goodbyes to my Gran.
When we get to the house, Ember and Sabrina unpack and I head off to the clubhouse to return Trenton’s key.
“You going to explain what you were doing last night?”
“Nope,” I tell him, taking a hard pull of my beer.