The easier answer would be to lie and tell her yes. One thing about news here is it travels fast, and I need to make sure she doesn’t go spreading gossip about me that could reach Jonesy. “You know how it is. I can’t talk about why he’s here.”
“Think you can introduce me? He’s so hot.”
“No way. He’s too old for you.” Bethany is only a sophomore. She has no business lusting after Jimmy.
“You like him.”
“Ew. No way. “
“Hmm,” she muses.
“Look. Just keep it quiet and maybe I’ll let you sit with us at lunch tomorrow,” I lie. I doubt he’ll be back tomorrow.
“Bet,” she says and practically skips out the door.
Though I’d rather pluck my eyelashes out with the world’s smallest tweezers than have lunch with this guy, I can’t have him getting busted for lurking around the school, either. I find him sprawled on the worn-out sofa like he’s at home, phone in hand.
I sniff the air, smelling smoke. “Were you smoking in here?” I accuse.
“No.” he jumps up quickly, scrambling to shove his phone in his back pocket. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, it’s perfect. Come on. It’s lunchtime. Put this on.” I grab him someone’s forgotten hoodie hanging on the back of a chair. “Pull the hood up and stick with me.”
Thankfully, he doesn’t argue and hands me his leather jacket to put the hoodie on, even though it’s at least a size too small and he looks silly.
I shove his leather jacket into my locker, noting it smells like his cologne. Spicy with a hint of smoke.
I secure us an empty table that sits farthest away from Jonesy Ripley and his buddies.
Jimmy plunks down in a seat, dropping his backpack on the floor.
“Watch my stuff. I’ll get us a tray. And don’t talk to anyone or draw attention to yourself.”
“Yeah, babe. I’m aware.”
“Don’t call me babe.”
“Sure thing, brat.”
“Whatever.” I glance back at him to see him staring at his phone, tight faced. What crawled up his ass?
I’m not that difficult.
Okay. Maybe I’ve been a little rude, but no one would be happy about the situation I’m in. having to worry that my father will show up and do something outrageous or hurt me to get at my mother while navigating my senior year.
I look over to where Jonesy and some of the other players from the team are seated and wonder if he’s noticed that I’m not sitting by them today. I hate how much I overthink every single thing.
I wish he would ask me to the dance already. I should have listened to Kimber when she said to make him chase me. But I don’t exactly know how to do that.
My phone buzzes and it’s a text from Jimmy.
Hey brat, grab me something to drink.
He’s got some nerve. How’d he get my number so fast? Probably my uncle.
I roll my eyes at his demand and reluctantly grab a can of Cherry Coke for him from the vending machine and a juice for myself. I pay extra for a second serving of chicken tenders. I don’t know what Jimmy’s preferences are, but surely everyone likes chicken tenders and mashed potatoes.