“I’m not going anywhere with you.”
I grab her by her upper arm, jerking her up from the chair she was sitting in. “Did you fuck him?”
“What? No. We were just goofing around. I was upset and wanted to make you jealous.”
“What goes through your head? Your mom told you he’s bad news, so what? You don’t get your way with me, so you run off to do something reckless. And with that guy, of all people. Are you stupid?”
“I hate you.”
“I wish you did, Kiesha. Would make this a hell of a lot easier for us both.” I loosen my grip on her. “Fuck, you piss me off.”
“Yeah, well. That makes two of us.” Her bottom lip wobbles like she’s about to cry.
“Are you okay?”
“I messed up.”
“Did he do something?”
“No. This has nothing to do with Jonesy. I fell in love with you, stupid.” She shoves at my chest, and I wrap my arms around her.
Fuck. I’m an asshole. “You don’t love me.”
“Don’t tell me how I feel.” She looks up at me with tears brimming.
What the fuck am I doing? I know I shouldn’t be here, but I can’t fight this pull to be near her.
“What are you doing to me?” I murmur, wiping away her tears with my thumbs on either side of her beautiful yet sad face. “Even gorgeous when you cry.”
“Do you even care? You broke my heart.” Her voice cracks and I soften.
“I care. Too fucking much. Get your stuff.”
I get Kiesha in my truck, having no clue what to do with her now that I’ve got her. She’s next to me, head on my shoulder, one arm strung across my stomach, clenching my shirt in her fist.
My cell vibrates and I know it’s going to be Sabrina and I’m going to lie to her again after swearing I wouldn’t.
I answer the call. “Hey. Yeah. Sorry. Trenton left me hanging, so I’m going to be stuck here a while longer.” Kiesha gives me a funny look but keeps quiet.
“Bummer. I can swing by there when I get off.”
“I don’t want you driving in that fog. I’ll come home soon as I can.”
“Love you,” Sabrina says without hesitation.
“Ditto.” I can’t bring myself to say it back with Kiesha next to me. I end the call with her and dial Trenton. “Need a favor. Can I use your place for the night?”
“You’ll have to come by for the key.”
“I’ll owe you one.”
He should be the one on the gate tonight. If it’s anyone else, I’m fucked. I roll up with Kiesha and grab the key. Trenton gives me a knowing look but doesn’t comment.
Kiesha’s mom thinks she’s staying with friends tonight, so we should be in the clear. If anyone finds out I brought her here, I’m dead.
Kiesha looks around the small apartment. It’s nothing like the nice house she comes from.