“Shouldn’t I be the one protecting you? I can’t keep you safe from a locked room.”
“I didn’t ask you to be here.”
“I’m not happy about this situation either.”
“Don’t care. Let’s just make it through the day so we can both move on with our lives. He’s not going to show up in the middle of my class.”
“Right.” He grabs my phone and types his information in. He snorts as a message from Sam flashes across the screen.
“Don’t read my text.”
“Kind of hard not to.”
“Ugh. Just stay out of my business.”
He hands my device back. “What’s your number? I’ll save it under brat.”
“Ha. Ha. There’s no time. I’ll message you. Stay put.”
“Why? Afraid Jonesy will see us together.”
“Yes. And never read my messages again.” I stomp off to class before I get marked absent.
Guys are the worst.
I take my usual seat at the back of the room to hide. I only took this class because I needed an elective. I’m only passing the class because I’ve been helping paint the set for the Christmas play. The only thing I enjoy about school is seeing Jonesy between classes. My daily routine hinges on passing him in the hallway. Yesterday he smiled at me. Today has to be the day he’s going to ask me to homecoming.
All my subtle hints are bound to pay off.
I spend most of third period daydreaming about him asking at the end of the day right before he has football practice. I made sure to dress extra cute today for the occasion. I wore the perfectfall dress that pairs with my sister’s jean jacket she forgot about when she moved in with Navarro. I take my compact out of my purse and make sure my makeup doesn’t need a touch up.
Sam thinks he’s going to ask me.
It’s destined to happen.
I pull out my phone and look at Jonesy’s latest Snap. Man, the muscles on him. I wonder if the prospect has an account. I look him up using his phone number. He doesn’t have a profile, but he does have an Instagram account. There’s only one post. I can tell by the background of his selfie that it was taken behind the clubhouse.
What a dork.
The bell rings and I seriously consider leaving the prospect locked up in the changing rooms, but I don’t want to catch hell from my Uncle Link.
I’m about to fetch him when Bethany shoves her way through the people attempting to leave class.
“Sooo are you going to tell me who the guy was who was walking you to class earlier?” She looks around me, as though she expects Jimmy to materialize out of thin air.
“What are you talking about?”
“Your biker hottie boyfriend.”
“Shh. Keep your voice down. You know how protective my uncle can be. It’s nothing. But seriously, don’t tell anyone he’s here. Pinky swear.”
Bethany makes the motion of locking her lips and throwing away the key. She knows better than to go blabbing about club business. She’s related to my Aunt Pam through marriage or something and thinks that makes us family. She’s super annoying, but I do my best to tolerate her.
“What is it you think you know, anyway?”
“Nothing. I saw the two of you and recognized him from the last cookout Pam let me go to. Is he your boyfriend?”