She lets out a soft giggle, her shoulders shaking with the relief of laughter after the tense and terrifying ordeal. “Remind me to get into more hostage situations, then.”
“I’m serious, Kiesha.” I grab her by the shoulders, pulling her in close enough to see the flecks of gold in her hazel eyes. “You deserve better than this. Better than your good-for-nothing father and better than some dirty biker who can’t make up his mind whether he’s good or bad. Who kisses pretty little brats behind his girlfriend’s back.”
A tear rolls down her cheek and I instinctively wipe it with my thumb. “I’ll find better, eventually,” she says softly, her voice barely audible above the crunching gravel as the cops wrap up their investigation.
Before I can say anything more, she wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me into a hug that feels like home. The kind of home I’ve been searching for all my life. “I’m going to miss you.”
“I know.”
She stares into my eyes searching for permission, but this time I make the first move and kiss her goodbye, closed mouthed. “Stay out of trouble.”
“I can’t make any promises.” She disengages from our embrace. “Guess you’ve gotta go, huh?”
I roll my lips, tasting her there and craving more. “I’ll see you around.”
“You better.”
I force myself into my truck as she struts back inside, not looking back.
On the drive home, I replay the events of the evening over in my mind, dissecting every decision I did or didn’t make. I didn’t expect to miss Kiesha already, but I do.
The narrow and winding road leading back to my Gran’s place is nearly pitch black, with the sky being as cloudy as my mood. The silence of the cab of my truck only serves to amplify the buzzing thoughts in my head. A dull ache throbs from my nicked ear, a reminder of the close call with death and Kiesha’s teary eyes. At least she’s safe now.
Things could have gone down a lot differently. We could all be dead, but we’re not.
I park and kill the engine, then lean back against the seat, staring up at the ceiling of my truck. The events of tonight are too fresh on my mind to get out of this truck. I can still feel Kiesha’s lips on mine, the shock in her eyes when I kissed her goodbye. The taste of her is still on my tongue, strawberries and sugar.
Regret for things I did and didn’t say.
I’m not ready to face Sabrina and answer the millions of questions she’ll no doubt have. But It’s time to come clean. About all of it. I could lose her, but I can’t build a future with her based on a lie.
That’s not who I am. Not the man my Gran raised me to be. If my relationship with Sabrina is going to work, it has to be built on the truth. Even if it hurts. Forcing myself out of the truck, I mentally prepare myself for what I have to do.
Sabrina is waiting for me at the kitchen table, sipping on a mug of tea. Her tense expression meets mine, but her eyes brighten at the sight of me. “Hey. You scared me. Is everything okay?”
I toss my keys on the counter. “I hope so.”
“What happened?”
“My current job for the club ended. We should talk. I wasn’t completely honest with you before.”
“I knew. Deep down I knew, but I swallowed your lies because I was hungry for you.”
“I know. Sorry can’t fix what I did.”
“So what? Is this how it’s going to be? You feeding me lies and me pretending that we’re okay?”
“I got caught up in the job, but it won’t happen again.”
“Tell me exactly what happened.”
“There was a kiss.”
“Just a kiss or more?”
“One kiss.” The lies come all too easily, and I can’t stop.
“Do you like her?”