Everything unfolds quickly and I don’t have time to think as Kiesha’s little sister barrels into the kitchen chasing after the cat. Before I can grab hold of her, Kiesha scoops her up.
I’m frozen in place. A shield between them and a gun wielding asshole.
One wrong move and any of us could be dead.
I can’t afford to make a rash decision. I stare Adan down, trying to anticipate his next move. There’s no remorse on his hardened face despite the fact that he’s aiming a loaded weaponat two of his children. The expression in his eyes is wild and angry. He’s unhinged and desperate.
I stand my ground, though on the inside I’m anything but calm.
“Let the kids go and you and I can talk about this,” Zoe attempts to reason with him.
“Shut up, bitch.”
“Don’t talk to my mom like that, asshole,” Kiesha shrieks from behind me as her sister cries.
Fuck. This is going to end badly. I’ve got a gun tucked into the back waistband of my jeans, but if he sees me go for it, the bastard will shoot me with no regard to anyone. Not even himself. If it were only the two of us, I’d take the chance. If I make one wrong move, I’m dead. Then who will protect Kiesha, her mom, and sister?
Someone behind me goes for either my gun or the phone, but I can’t take my focus off Adam.
“What are you doing, you stupid bitch? Let me see your hands.”
I take a tentative step back, hoping I can usher them out of the room, but he fires a warning shot into the ceiling. “You think I’m fucking playing with you? I’m here for my girls. Marie’s waiting in the car.”
“You’re not taking them anywhere!” Zoe screams at him, and he fires off another round.
“Next one will be between your eyes.”
The two of them continue to argue while I look for an exit that doesn’t involve him shooting at us. It’s gotta be fast. He’s out of patience and I’m afraid the next shot he takes will be at us. I’ve never been in a situation like this. Hell, I’ve only ever shot at deer out in the woods. I’m in over my head, but now isn’t the time to panic.
Zoe grabs my gun, stepping past me. “Jimmy, get the girls out of here.”
Damn it all to hell. If Zoe takes a bullet, I’m dead either way. I make a decision and pray it’s the right one as I retrieve my weapon from Zoe as a shot rings out. Chaos erupts and I use my body as a shield for Kiesha and her sister As Prodigy enters the scene and goes for Adam.
Seconds later, I’m on the floor, blood oozing from the left side of my head, with Kiesha kneeling over me. I touch the side of my head, thankful I seem to be all in one piece besides a small nick on my ear that probably came from a shard of glass. “Thought he blew my brains out for a second.” I laugh it off, earning me a punch to the ribs.
“You’re an idiot,” Kiesha says with unshed tears glittering in her eyes. Her lips press to mine in front of her family as they bicker about what to do with Adam.
“You did the best you could, given the circumstances.” Prodigy clamps a hand to my shoulder. “Not bad at all, Prospect. My woman and her girls are safe. That’s what matters most.”
“Thanks, man.”
“I’ll give you two a minute.” He walks back into the house as Kiesha comes out to my truck.
“Thanks for saving my life back there.”
“All part of the job.”
“It was more than that. You could have been killed.” She shivers, likely from the shock of it all. It’s not every day there’s a shootout in her kitchen. Hopefully, it will be the last.
I don’t know how Prodigy didn’t put a bullet in Adam’s head, but he said he didn’t want that image burned into the girls’ heads. Didn’t want that to be how they saw him or how they remember their father.
The police arrested him and took everyone’s statements. It’s late and I’m beat.
“Don’t mention it.”
“I know this means you won’t be driving me around anymore or pretending to be my boyfriend. You have a life to get back to with Sabrina.”
“It wasn’t all pretend. You’re a sweet girl, Kiesha. Any guy would be lucky...” I cap my palm over my fist. “You ever get into another hostage situation I’m your guy.”