“Hey. Have you been crying?”
“No.” I fake a smile. “I fell asleep. Jimmy just woke me up.”
“You sure?”
“Yup. Promise,” I lie. There’s no way I’m telling her about the drama with Jimmy. She’s obviously dealing with enough as it is.
“I’m sorry to spring this on you like this, but Marie is missing, and I didn’t know what else to do. The club’s searching for her and your father. It’s possible they’ve taken off, but I don’t think Marie would leave her behind.”
“So her mom is just gone?”
“Honestly, I don’t know. Can you and Jimmy entertain her while I make some calls? Your sister and Nav are swinging by in a bit with dinner.”
“Yeah. Sure.”
I can’t believe my little sister is here. Crying over a boy isn’t exactly how I pictured meeting her, but here I am.
“Pick a color.” I line up my array of nail polish for Kieleigh to choose from.
I’ve spent the past hour letting her play in my makeup and braiding her hair. Now it’s Jimmy’s turn to be a customer in our beauty salon.
His face goes ashen when she points to the hot pink shade with glitter.
“Don’t worry. I have polish remover.” I smirk at him. “Lay your hands flat on the table, Sir.” I tap the paper towels Mom insisted we put down on the coffee table, so we don’t get any polish on the wood.
“I think it’d go better on my toes.”
“Ew. We don’t want to see your crusty toes.” I giggle and Kieleigh makes a disgusted expression.
“My toes aren’t crusty. See.” He pulls his socks off and wiggles his toes at us.
I pinch my nose and wave my free hand through the air, implying his feet stink.
“Boys are gross. Especially ones named Jimmy,” I tell her, and he frowns.
“Are you going to paint my nails or what?”
Chapter Thirteen
I fire off a text to Sabrina, telling her I’ll be home as soon as I can. Things between us aren’t what they once were, but I’m trying to do better. I’ve put as much distance as I can between Kiesha and me. Which hasn’t been easy, considering it’s my job to protect her.
Link isn’t a man who makes empty threats. The last thing I want is to piss him off when he’s already itching for a fight. The whole club is keyed up and ready to be done with this Adam fucker and him attempting to make Zoe’s life hell. Like Link said, he should have killed the dickhead years ago.
For years, he’s been toying with Zoe and her daughters. It’s no wonder Kiesha has daddy issues. I watch her as she plays with her little sister. Teaching her how to properly hold and pet the cat without squeezing too tightly. She’s not stopped smilingsince she got here, but I’ve noticed the sadness in her eyes when she thinks no one is watching and I know that I put it there.
I don’t know how to make up for hurting her. The only thing I know to do is keep my distance. As soon as this is over, she’ll go back to her normal and forget all about me.
My cell rings and I step off to the corner that veers to the hallway and to the kitchen, depending on which way you turn to take the call.
“Guess what?” Sabrina squeals.
“What’s up?”
“Ember says that she thinks Prodigy will move in with Zoe soon and that means they will need a new roommate. If Smoke agrees to it, then we’ve got a place as long as we can cover our part of the rent. You’d be closer to the club, and I’d get to spend more time with Ember.”
“Sounds perfect.” The sound of glass breaking has me ending the call and rushing toward the source, followed by Kiesha and her mother.
I throw my arms out to keep them from entering the room any further. I’m the only thing standing between them and Adam, Kiesha’s father and Zoe’s ex-husband, as well as his gun. Blood drips from his knuckles where he punched the glass of the back door to gain entry inside the house.