I know she means with everything going on with our father and the fact we have a little sister. “As good as I can be considering. You?”
“I don’t know. It’s weird to think that we have a sibling out there and that he’s running around town like a creep.”
“Can we talk about something else?” Thinking about our father is depressing and I’m already down in the dumps enough as it is.
“You find a date for the dance yet? Did that one guy ask?”
“No, and I don’t want to talk about boys.”
“What about your friend…Sam?”
“Sam isn’t going to the dance. They’ll be at their dad’s that weekend.”
“Bummer.” She pops a slice of melon between her lips.
Kimber has no idea. In school, she was popular and always got asked out and invited to parties. I’m an outsider. Not popular but also not a geek.
“Maybe Jimmy can take you?”
“I don’t think his girlfriend would go for that.”
“I hear she’s a real bitch.”
“Well, you saw her the other day.” I shrug.
“Hmm. Let me think.”
“Don’t say Trenton. He’s too old.”
“There’s got to be someone.”
“Trust me. There isn’t. It’s fine. I’ll go with Bethany or something.”
“You two talking about me?” Nav asks as he brings the steaks in.
“Of course.” Kimber kisses him and I gag. They are so perfect it’s disgusting. “We’re trying to find Kiesha a date for homecoming.”
“The prospect can take her.”
My stomach drops. “That’s not an option.”
The next few days go by the same. No sightings of my father. Jimmy will barely look at me. Let alone speak to me. A week ago, life was good. Not great, but I was oblivious to all the crap that has changed everything I thought I knew. Jimmy hadn’t come into my life to break my heart. I didn’t have another sister. And my father... well, he was still a piece of shit but not trying to destroy our lives.
Now, Jimmy practically hates me. Jonesy is a douche with a kid he doesn’t take care of. The only good thing to happen is Mom and Prodigy are a thing. I’d go through this all over again for her to get her happy ending.
Only today I’m in my own personal form of hell. Jimmy is at my house with me until my mom and Prodigy get here. He’s standing by the front door as if he’s ready to bolt at the first opportunity that arises.
“I can’t take this,” I shout and throw my book at him. It drops at his feet with a thud.
He gapes at me with wide eyes. “What the fuck? Did you throw your book at me?”
“At least it got your attention.” Tears well in the creases of my eyes, threatening to spill at any moment.
“Kiesha. Trust me. This is for the best. We were growing too close. Too comfortable. I can’t fuck up with the club.”
“Or your girlfriend,” I snap.
“You’re right. I should never have kissed you. I’m with Sabrina. It wasn’t fair to anyone. I got caught up in the lie.”