Page 26 of Stealing the Biker

“Don’t listen to him. He’s drunk,” Angel tells me, running her fingers up my arm. “I know what I want now. If you lose, I want you to lick peanut butter off the prospect’s toes.”

I shake my head. I won’t want any part of this shit.

“I’m not drunk enough for this,” Creed announces. “I’m getting another beer. Prospect, you want one?” I shake my head, and he shrugs.

“How about I lick it off your tits? The prospect can film it.”

“How about you film while I lick it off the prospect’s dick?”

“Deal.” He grins like he just won big.

Angel winks at me. She’s gorgeous, but even if I wanted to take part in her weird fetish, I doubt I could get it up. I’m drunk and the last thing I need is getting involved with another woman when I’ve already got two I can’t juggle.

“Whatta ya say, Prospect?” she squeezes my upper thigh too close for comfort. “Aw, come on, don’t be shy,” Angel clucks, her fingers dancing dangerously close to my belt buckle.

Crawl hoots from the other side of the table. “He’s blushing. The prospect is blushing!” He points at me and chokes he’s laughing so hard.

“No, I…” I start to say, but the words seem to trip over each other as they tumble from my mouth. “I’m not.” I don’t want to hurt her feelings.

“You’re not what?” Angel teases. Her hair falls into her face as she leans closer to me, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Don’t tell me you don’t find me sexy” She trails a finger down her chest, dipping it between the valley of her breasts. “You know I’m a sure thing. I won’t give you any grief, unlike your mouthy girlfriend. Crawl likes to watch, but he won’t touch.”

“I’m not interested.”

“I’m offering you a free pass at me.”

Gently, I swat her hand away. “Tempting, but I’m already in enough shit with Sabrina. I think I’ll pass.”

She rolls her eyes but retreats, leaning back in her chair wearing a smirk. “Your loss.”

Crawl snorts into his beer and looks at me like I’m a fool. Maybe I am. This is the time in my life when I should be acting reckless. Enjoying all life has to offer. I guarantee Trenton wouldn’t have turned her down.

They continue playing their card game that I don’t even know the rules of. They seem to be making them up as they go.

Creed hands me another beer, but I’m cutting myself off. My movements are already clumsy and I’m sluggish, and in desperate need of sleep. Consecutive late nights full of drinking are catching up to me.

“Hey,” Angel whispers in my ear. “Let’s have some fun.” Her head morphs into two and I do a slow blink, trying to stay awake. “I’m bored and horny.”

Her lips meet mine and for a second I return her kiss, forgetting my senses.

Crawl claps and I pull away from her, remembering I don’t want anything to do with Angel and his game.

“Come on, lover boy. Let me see what we’re working with.” Angel slips my belt free and unbuttons my jeans.

“Knock it off,” I grumble, rubbing my eyes. I need to find somewhere to crash before I’m falling face first into the table.

“Hey Prospect,” Crawl says, barely able to talk he’s laughing so hard.


He slaps a smooshed peanut butter sandwich down on the table in front of me. I don’t want to know where he’s been keeping it.

“Ha. Ha. Funny. Fucker,” I mutter, already pushing up from table and my pants fall down.

“Oh my God.” Angel stares at my dick.

I forgot that I’m freeballing from not having a spare pair of underwear when I showered at Trenton’s.

“It’s so big.” She licks her lips.