“Don’t you dare say you promise, or you swear or so help me…”
Her friend Ember stalks toward us, and I take the opportunity to go sit with my mom and sister before she picks up the tension between Jimmy and me.
“What’s going on?” Kimber asks me.
“She’s super pissed. Like yikes on bikes. Today is her birthday.”
“Oh shit. I’d murder Nav if he forgot my birthday.”
“You know what, Jimmy? Forget it. You obviously don’t care about me,” she screams and shoots me a nasty look as she stomps past us with Smoke’s girlfriend trailing behind her.
Jimmy follows suit, not sparing me a glance. I shouldn’t be hurt, but I am. Was our kiss really that cheap? Thatmeaningless? I distract myself by talking to my sister about the little sister we never knew about.
“I hope her mom won’t be weird about us wanting to meet her,” Kimber prattles on, but I’m only half listening. My attention is focused on the door and watching for Jimmy to return.
Maybe he’s not going to. Maybe he left with his girlfriend, which is probably what he should do. Is he begging for her forgiveness? Has he confessed to her about the kiss we shared? My skin warms at the thought of his lips on mine.
“Hello. Earth to Kiesha.” Kimber waves a hand in front of my face. “Where did you go just now?”
“I was asking if you want anything from the kitchen?”
“Oh sorry. Guess I kind of blanked. I was just wondering if it will be awkward when—if we get to meet her.”
“What on Earth,” Mom mumbles as Prodigy and my Uncle Link come through the door. Jimmy slips in after them, but all I can focus on is the orange ball of fur poking its head out of Prodigy’s cut.
“Oh my God, is that a kitten!?” I hold my hands out ready to claim the cute little beasty as it meows. I take hold of the precious baby, ignoring the fleas, giving it a squeeze and scratches behind the ears. I glance back at my mother as she glares at her man. “Moooom! Can I keep it?” I jut my bottom lip out, giving her a pouty expression that’s hard for even her to say no to.
She says to ask Prodigy, but he shrugs and looks at her like ‘that’s all you buddy.’
“Please. Look. She loves me. Please, Mommy.”
“You’ll be responsible for cleaning the litter box and feeding her,” she says, relenting.
“Thank you. Thank you. You’re the best.”
Chapter Nine
Fuck. I’ve really stepped in it this time. Not only did I screw up by kissing Kiesha, now her and Sabrina are in the same room.
I avoid making eye contact with anyone, but especially Kiesha right now. I don’t want to set Sabrina off any further.
“I know I screwed up.” If she knew how much she’d be done with me.
“Do you think I’m a fool?”
“Of course not. I…” Bitter frustration eats at me as I glance back to where Kiesha is now sitting with her mom and sister. I should have never kissed her. This whole mess is my fault.
“Don’t feed me another excuse. I don’t know why I bother.” Sabrina throws her hands up and stomps back through the bar as every head in the place turns to watch the show as she departs. Ember shoots me a yikes expression as she follows after her friend.
I’ve got about two seconds to get a handle on this before she ruins my chances with the club. I trail after her, determined to make things right. I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed her being so pissed. Sure, we’ve had arguments, but never this heated and with an audience.
I’m sure we’ll be the gossip of the clubhouse for the next week if I don’t get kicked out for the scene we just made.
“Sabrina, please listen to me,” I plead, reaching out to grab her arm.
She jerks away from my touch and spins to face me with narrowed eyes. “What is there left for you to say? You royally fucked up.” She keeps walking, her short legs moving quickly.