Mom takes a sip of her coffee, taking a seat across from us. “I don’t know where to start. You know I sometimes hire on workers at the daycare who come from a women’s shelter that is run by Lily, Murder’s sister. Well, I recently hired a woman by the name of Marie. A single mom who was coming out of a bad situation, much like the one I found myself in with your father. When she brought her daughter to work and with one look, I knew that the bad man they were running from had to be your father. She resembles Kiesha so much at that age. It’s uncanny.”
“So that’s why he’s in town?” my sister tenses up next to me.
I can’t believe this. We have another sister. He couldn’t bother to be a father to either of us, then went off to start a new family. To repeat his abusive behavior. He’s a monster.
“I believe so. But that’s why the club is looking after them and us. To make sure he doesn’t hurt anyone else.”
“He’s such a piece of shit. Who knows how many other siblings we have? How old is our sister?” I press, wondering how much else there is we don’t know. There could be others out there and we’d never know.
“Her name is Kieleigh, and I think she’s four.”
My mouth drops. Mom always said if she had another daughter, she would name her Kieleigh. Kimber, Kiesha, and Kieleigh.
“Does she know about us?” Kimber asks.
“I’m not sure. I don’t have any information other than what I’ve told you. I wish I knew more, but I’m finding things out as quickly as I can.”
I chew on my thumb, trying not to freak out that there’s a little girl out there who looks like me. I have another sister. “Can we meet her?”
“Once it’s safe to reach out. I will ask, but I can’t promise. That’s going to be up to Marie. Your father attacked her after he came after me. For now, her and your sister are in a safe location.”
“And Dad? Where is he now?”
“Wish I knew,” Prodigy answers. “If he makes contact with you, don’t engage. You let me, Link, Nav, or Jimmy know.”
At the mention of Jimmy, I’m reminded he’s here. I bet he’s loving this. My life is constantly blowing up right before his eyes.
“Are you going to kill him?” I ask point blank. Might as well get everything out in the open.
“Kiesha,” Mom snaps.
“I’m not stupid, Mom. I know about the club and what they are capable of.” They kill people all the time. At least when warranted. I hear things. At school. At the clubhouse. Conversations between Mom and my Aunt Pam and my sister. She tells me stuff. I hear it all.
“No one is killing anyone.”
“Dad would. He’d kill us all for a dollar and not care.” Kimber states, coolly.
This is too much. I need to get out of here. I turn to Jimmy. “Can you give me a ride to school?”
“Straight home after,” Mom warns.
Climbing into Jimmy’s track, the last place I want to be right now is school, but if I don’t show, Mom will get a call. The last thing I want is to add more to her plate or have her worrying about me. I’ll be fine. I’m used to disappointment.
“Do you…are you okay?” Jimmy asks as he slides into the driver’s seat.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I get that, but bottling it all up isn’t good either.”
“Not now. I don’t need a lecture.” I stare out at the window, not able to focus on anything as tears blur my vision.
Jimmy tucks the rough pad of his finger under my chin, forcing me to meet his bloodshot gaze. “Then what do you need?” Did he sleep at all last night?
We stare at each other in silence for a beat before the sound of my sister and Nav leaving breaks the tension. “Honestly?” I shake my head. “I don’t know. Just drive me to school.” My stomach burns and churns. All I can think about is my stupid father and the fact that I have a sister. And that now maybe, just maybe, I might have a crush on Jimmy. Which is the stupidest idea I’ve ever had. But the way he looked at me just now. Like he’d give anything to take away my pain, makes me see him in a new light.
Not that it matters. He’s got a girlfriend, and my uncle would kill him if Prodigy doesn’t beat him to it.
Jimmy starts his truck and gives me one last glance like there’s more he wants to say but refrains before pulling out. I’m not sure if I appreciate his silence or if I’m annoyed at the lack of conversation.