Page 17 of Stealing the Biker

“Do we have any Pop-tarts so I can eat on the bus?” I pilfer through the pantry, not finding anything but some granola bars. Not the good ones that are chocolate covered either.

“Just ask Jimmy to take you through a drive thru.”

“What do you mean, ask Jimmy?” She can’t be serious. Not after the disaster of yesterday. I’ve got to come up with a new game plan to find a suitable date for the dance. I can’t do that if I have to go through another day of having a personal bodyguard with me.

“He’s supposed to drive you to and from school.”

“It’s not fair. The dance is a few weeks away, and I don’t have a date. Sam is going to their dad’s, so I won’t even have them. This is cruel and unusual punishment. No guy is going to ask me with Jimmy up my ass all day.”

“Language,” she snaps. Mom hates it when I cuss.

“Mooom. Please. Let me stay home then. Write me a note saying I’m sick or that we’re going out of town. At least then I won’t look like a dateless loser.”

“Honey, no one is going to think that. And if they do, then why would you want friends like that?”

“You don’t have a clue what it’s like. My social life is ruined. You don’t underst-.” I cut off as Mom’s boyfriend enters the kitchen, tugging a shirt down over his torso. Dang.

“What?” he questions in a deep sleepy tone that says they definitely did the business last night.

I’d be grossed out at the thought of my mom having sex if I wasn’t so impressed by how good-looking Prodigy is for an olderguy. Well, older to me. But I shouldn’t really be surprised. Most of the Royal Bastards are hot. Like zaddies for sure.

“All right, Mom.” I smile big and go in for a high-five.

“Put your hand down,” she says with a shake of her head, but I don’t miss the slight grin she has on her face as she turns to her man. “Sorry if we woke you. Kiesha is being a brat this morning.”

“You know there are police officers at school. I’ll be fine. Come on. You look like a reasonable man. Tell her I’ll be fine.” I go for the kill, turning on the pouty faced lip tremble.

Mom purses her lips. “Who do you think has Jimmy watching over you?”

“Traitor,” I mumble and fold my arms across my chest and mean mug him with my best impression of my mother’s resting bitch face.

“Only trying to keep you safe. I don’t know what all you know, but I’m going to be straight with you. Your father is a dangerous and desperate individual. Until I have confirmation he’s not a threat to your mom or you and your sisters, then you’ll have the club’s protection.”

I stare at him, wondering if I heard him right. “Did you say sisters?”


“Mom? Are you pregnant?” What the actual hell? This is crazy. I had no idea things were this serious. How long have they been hiding their relationship? Like I knew Mom had a flirtation with him or whatever, but I thought they just started going out for real.

“Maybe I should write that sick note,” she tells me, completely avoiding my questions.

“What’s going on? Oh, my god. Are you guys like getting married or something already? Am I going to be a big sister?”

Prodigy moves off to get some coffee. But I want to know what’s happening right now.

“We’ll talk about it once Kimber gets here. But no. I’m not pregnant. We’re not getting married.”

“Yet,” I hear Prodigy mutter under his breath. He catches my eyes and winks at me.

He’s so into her. I love this so much for her. Mom deserves to be happy after all the hell she’s been through.

My sister and her man show up, followed by Jimmy. If he hadn’t come into my life, I’d happily be oblivious to Jonesy being a douche and I’d at least have had a date to homecoming and a cute guy to take pictures with. Now I’m in the know and single, with no desire to mingle. Though, seeing how Prodigy is with my mom gives me hope that maybe someday I’ll find someone. Maybe.

“What’s so funny?” Kimber slips into the chair next to mine at the kitchen table.

“Mom’s getting married,” I tell her.

“Oh my God! Seriously,” she squeals, grabbing my arm and giving me a squeeze.