“Yeah. A new life.” She shoves away from the frame and goes back to her bedroom.
I grab another slice of pizza, knowing I should have left an hour ago, but there’s something about getting under Kiesha’s skin that gives me a thrill. She cracks me up with her constant sass. Guess you could say I definitely have a type. Not that I’d go there. Prodigy and Link would beat my ass, and I would never cheat on Sabrina.
There’s nothing wrong with a little harmless flirting.
Judging by the jock Kiesha is into, I’d never be her type.
I excuse myself to the bathroom, prolonging my visit. I catch a glimpse of Kiesha and her friend Sam in her bedroom on my way out. She’s seated on the floor, back to the bed as Sam brushes color onto her hair. I try not to get caught watching as she bites on the cap of her ink pen, staring at a page in her notebook, deep in thought.
I make my way back to the living room, dreading dealing with Sabrina when I leave.
“Be back here in the morning to drive Kiesha to school. Until I know where this bastard is, I want Zoe and her girls covered,” Prodigy tells me.
I don’t ask what time. Hopefully, she’ll be ready by the time I get here.
“Sure thing.” I take this as my cue to leave. I finish off the last swig of my drink. “Thanks for dinner,” I tell Zoe as I rise from the couch.
“You’re always welcome here.” She shoots me a warm smile as Prodigy gives me a nod.
You know I can see that you’ve read my messages, Jimmy. Why are you ignoring me? Are you mad at me?
Fuck. After one last glance at the house where I think I see Kiesha watching me from her bedroom window, I climb into my truck and text Sabrina back.
Sorry. Been a busy day.
I just miss you and just want to snuggle up in bed once you get here.
Reading her last message, I feel like a total dickhead, but I’ve got to take every chance I get to prove my worth to the club. It won’t always be this way. All I’m asking is for one year of patience.
She’s going to be even more pissed when I tell her that I’m planning to crash at Trenton’s so I can be back at Zoe’s on time to escort Kiesha to school in the morning. If I go home, it means waking up two hours earlier than necessary to make the drive. I can avoid it by sleeping on the other prospect’s couch.
There’s always staying at the clubhouse, but if I do that, then I won’t get any sleep. The guys never miss an opportunity to fuck with me or put me to work. Last time I tried to sleep there, I woke up locked in one of the interrogation rooms in the basement buck naked with a dick drawn on my left cheek in black permanent ink. I had to pay one of the club girls to cover it with makeup for a week. Sabrina still doesn’t know about it. Not looking for a repeat of that experience, or worse.
Can you stop and grab a carton of pralines and cream?
Oh and some caramel sauce?
Not tonight. I’m still working.
Seriously? What is so important that you’re blowing me off again? Are you with someone else?
Of course not. Why would you think that?
Maybe because you care more about that stupid club than your girlfriend. Forget it. I don’t want to see your face right now because if I do, I’ll probably punch it.
You don’t mean that. I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you. I swear.
You better.
She’s still texting, which means she’s not as mad as I thought she’d be.
Thank fuck.
I pull up at Trenton’s, park in his visitor’s space, and lock my shit up.
Thought the trailer I was raised in was a shithole until the first time I crashed here. He lives in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods and the only reason no one fucks with him is due to his ties to the club. His old man was Vice President before he was murdered.
Sabrina thought Trenton sharing that family history with me would turn me off being a prospect. Said it should scare me.