“What do you like on your pizza, Jimmy?” she asks, completely ignoring the fact that my life is over and I’m never going to get a date.
“He’s not staying for dinner,” I cry. I’ve suffered through enough cruel and unusual punishment for one day.
“Whatever you order is good with me. I’m not picky.”
“What about Sam? Will they be eating with us?”
“No. We’ll starve in my room.” I stomp down the hallway to my bedroom, intent on slamming the door to make my point, but think better of it.
I don’t need to add getting grounded as the sprinkles on top of the shit cake my life currently is.
In the safety of my room, I mourn the boy I thought I knew. What kind of jerk has a kid and doesn’t help to raise it? Someone like my father. That’s who. The thought that I was chasing after a guy like that makes me sick to my stomach.
Guess I’m more like my mom than I thought.
At least this time with Prodigy, she’s getting it right.
He seems to be one of the good ones.
There’s not many good men in this world. Even my Uncle Link did his wife dirty. I don’t know how she forgave him or stayed with him after something like that.
I crack my bedroom door open and look down the hall to the living room where Jimmy sits on the couch, being all polite to my mom.
I was so horrible to him today. I’m such a selfish bitch.
He was taking time away from his life to have my back and I treated him awful the whole day.
I should apologize, but Sam shows to do my hair before I get the chance.
“Okay. What gives? Who is the tattooed hottie who has been following you around all day?”
“You think Jimmy is hot?” I arch a brow at them.
“If I was into guys.” They shrug.
“His hotness doesn’t matter. My father is back in town and determined to ruin our lives.”
“You need protection from your father?”
Sam is lucky. They have an amazing relationship with their dad. When they came out to him as nonbinary and cut all their hair off and started dressing in unisex clothes, all he said was okay and hugged them. No questions asked.
Mine probably doesn’t even know my name.
Chapter Five
Where are you?
Have you had dinner?
Are you ignoring me?
What time are you coming home?
I scroll through the missed text messages from Sabrina and know I’ll catch hell from her the second I walk through the door if I go home, and I’m not looking forward to another tongue lashing.
I spy Kiesha watching me from the doorway of her bedroom.
“Do you need something?” I arch a brow at her.