Chapter One
“Prospect,” Prodigy, the club’s road captain, calls me over to where he’s been in deep conversation with Link. Prodigy is intense in his own right, but Link downright scares the shit out of me. I’ve heard too many stories about how he earned his road name. People who get on his bad side end up with a chain wrapped around their neck while being dragged behind his motorcycle.
I swallow hard at the thought as I make my way over to them, trying to play it cool and like I’m not about to shit my pants. I never know what will land me on their bad side. I don’t intend to find out.
Whatever they ask me, my response is to answer with no problem, no matter what.
“What’s up?”
“We’ve got a special job for you.”
I try not to show my excitement. I’ve been looking for an opportunity to prove myself since I got my foot in the door of the Royal Bastards Motorcycle Club as a prospect. I’m the lowest man here. Their grunt for the next year or until they decide if I’ve got what it takes to become a patched member.
Starting out from the bottom, there’s only one way to go, and that’s up. I’ve been tasked with minor jobs and am hoping they are going to give me some real responsibility to prove I’m worthy.
“Anything you need. I’m your guy.”
“Right. Have you got a backpack?”
“No. What for?”
Link narrows his eyes on me. Shit. I didn’t mean to sound defiant. Fuck.
“You’re going back to school.”
“School?” I stare at them, my brows knitting together in confusion.
“Yeah, dumbass. High school. You’re young enough to pass yourself off as a student. You’ll fit right in.”
“What am I supposed to do at a high school? They’re going to know I’m not a student.” I shouldn’t be asking questions, but sneaking around a high school could land me in some serious shit.
“We need you to protect my niece. Kiesha.” Link pulls his cell phone out to show me a picture of this gorgeous girl with light pink hair.
I can’t stop the smile that crosses my face as I study the photo of Kiesha. She’s gorgeous. Hazel eyes with more flecks of green than brown peppered with hints of a yellow gold in them. Perfectly pouty bow-shaped lips.
Prodigy smacks the back of my head as Link growls at me in warning. “Don’t get any ideas. This is important. Just get tothe school and stick to her side. Pretend you’re her boyfriend, if that’s what it takes. But if Zoe’s ex-husband shows up, don’t engage with him. Just focus on getting Kiesha to a safe location.”
Zoe is Link’s sister and Prodigy’s Ol’ Lady. I guess her ex-husband is back in town and causing problems. Kiesha is her youngest daughter. I overheard them discussing the situation while I was sweeping the floor.
I rub the back of my head where Prodigy smacked my neck. “Yeah. Of course. I have one question, though. What do I tell my girlfriend?”
“We’ll make sure she knows to play along. She’ll be waiting for you.”
“No. I mean Sabrina. She’s got a jealous streak.” She’s going to lose her shit over this.
“Do you want to earn your patch or not?”
“There’s nothing I want more.” And I mean that.
“Then you tell her it’s club business. She can fall in line or move the fuck on.”
“Right.” I gulp. Sabrina is going to cut my balls off. There’s no way in hell she’s going to be okay with me pretending to be someone else’s boyfriend. Especially when the girl looks like Kiesha.
She’s fucking gorgeous.
The total opposite of Sabrina. Not that my girl isn’t pretty in her own way, but I know how she’s going to react when she finds out.