So much of it goes over my head, but I take notes, trying to keep up with what they’re talking about. Dominic fires off some questions, and the woman answers them easily, and clearly to Dom’s satisfaction because he nods, making his own notes and gesturing for someone else to speak next.
I’m glad to be here though. It’s good to get experience with this, to see how a team works and how people who know what they’re doing run their business. This is clearly a well-oiled machine, with people who know what their roles are and perform them well.
It’s harder to see when you’re just a cog in that machine—the way I am as an assistant, but with this pulled back view of the whole thing, it’s very impressive.
I bite my lip, trying to take notes as fast as I can, and when there’s a little lull in the meeting, while one computer is swapped out for another, I stretch in my seat, raising my arms overhead so I can stretch out my back.
A few seconds later, my phone buzzes in my pocket. Ordinarily, I would never pull it out during a meeting, but across the table I can feel Xavier staring at me intently and doing a ‘go ahead’ nod.
So I pull out my phone and see that it’s a text from him.
XAVIER: You can’t just do that, that’s indecent.
I frown, not sure what he’s talking about, so I text him back.
ME: What? I’m not doing anything.
Before Xavier can reply, another message comes in—from Dominic.
DOMINIC: If you keep that up, we’re going to have to clear this room so we can bend you over this table.
ME: Is this because I was stretching??
DOMINIC: You know what you look like.
DOMINIC: What you do to us.
Xavier isn’t one to be left out, and another text comes from him.
XAVIER: Whatever Dom is saying, ditto from me.
XAVIER: No fair teasing us at work, shortcake.
XAVIER: I’d hate to have to reschedule this meeting because we had to fuck you.
I keep my gaze on my phone in my lap, but heat creeps up my cheeks all the same. A smile twists over my face though because it feels nice to have their attention like this. Even in the middle of an important meeting, they still want me.
It makes me want to see how far I can push it, a spark of mischief making itself known.
When the next member of the team starts speaking, I casually push hair behind my ear and then let my fingers trail slowly down the curve of my neck, right in Xavier and Dominic’s line of sight.
I draw my bottom lip between my teeth and then let it slide out, bitten red and glistening. I don’t have to look at the two of them to know they’re watching. I lick my lips slowly while I take notes, and I can feel their gazes burning through me. They’re definitely watching.
When my phone vibrates several times in quick succession, I glance down quickly, biting back a smile when I realize the texts are from Xavier.
XAVIER: Fuck, shortcake. It’s not fair for you to be this damn tempting in the middle of a business meeting.
XAVIER: That lickable bottom lip of yours? That’s ours. And I might share with my packmates, but I draw the line there.
ME: I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m just trying to pay attention to the meeting.
XAVIER: Uh huh. Sure.
DOMINIC: If anyone in this room looks at you too long, I’ll have them fired.
ME: No you won’t.
ME: And why would they be looking at me? I’m not doing anything.