Page 96 of Craving Their Omega

He raises an eyebrow at me in the rearview mirror. “That… time?”

I realize that could really refer to any number of things. “I was pretty indisposed. It was heat time.”

“Ah,” he says, cheeks going just the slightest bit pink.

There’s a shift in the energy in the car, and Dominic reaches forward and grabs the back of my shirt, pulling me to sit back against the seat. I’m wedged in between him and Tristan, and Tristan angles himself a bit so that he’s almost between me and Jonas.

It’s a protective move for sure, and I realize they must not want some other man hearing about me being in heat.

Something about that makes my heart pound. They’re so possessive over me, and while it should be annoying, considering they aren’t even my real husbands, instead, I just feel warm and wanted.

Xavier leans in to give me a heated look, and I can tell he’s thinking of what we would have been doing right now if I was still in heat. It’s on his mind, probably on all their minds, just as much as it’s on mine.

The rest of the car ride is uneventful. Jonas wishes us a good day, and we head into the building.

“Meeting in fifteen?” Dominic asks the other two.

They nod in agreement.

“What meeting?” I ask, not sure if it was on the agenda or if this is a spur of the moment sort of thing. I haven’t had the presence of mind to check my inbox in days.

“We’re having a team meeting to catch up on what’s been going on while we were out,” Xavier explains. “It’s pretty rare for all three of us to be gone for so long.”


For a split second, I feel guilty for being the reason the three of them were out of the office for so long, but Xavier clearly clocks it because he reaches up and tugs a lock of my hair.

“None of that,” he says firmly. “We all made the choice, and it’ll be easy to catch up. If our business can’t run without us for a few days, then we need to delegate better.”

“Okay,” I relent. “Can I come to the meeting?”

The three of them exchange looks.

“You want to?” Dominic asks.

“Sure. I’m a part of the team, right? And it’ll be good for me to see how this kind of thing works.”

“You know what, it probably would be good,” Xavier agrees. “Sure, come on.”

Neither of the other two object, so I smile and follow them upstairs to one of the conference rooms.

Gradually the other members of the team start to file in, filling up the table, and I hurry to find a seat before they can all get filled up.

The team stares at me as I sit down, and I blink in confusion, not sure what they’re all so interested in. Maybe it’s just because they’ve never seen me at one of these things before? Maybe assistants don’t usually come.

Someone leans over and hisses lowly, “That’s Mr. Harrington’s seat.”

“Oh,” I say, cheeks coloring. “I didn’t know.”

But Dominic just drops into a chair farther down the table without a word. Xavier is grinning to himself as he sits down to my left and Tristan is stony faced as usual across the table.

Clearly Dominic isn’t bothered at all by the fact that I stole his usual chair, but I still feel a little hot under the collar for already messing something up before the meeting has even started.

There’s no time to focus on that though because Dominic calls the meeting to order a moment later, diving into the agenda with his usual confident manner.

“Where do we stand with Global Star?” he asks, and I recognize the name as one of their newer clients.

One of the team members, a young woman with curly hair and bright eyes pulls up a spreadsheet on her computer and projects it on the wall. “We had meetings with their IT division on Thursday,” she says and launches into an explanation of what all happened.